Sour X Naveree!Oc {A Yakuza}

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(requested by Kennedys_grxce)
Me: oh Sour~~~

Sour: *reads text and runs away*

Me: Catch him!!

Sour: Author no! Please don't add me!

West City
Itarazu Train Station

Sour sitting in one of the passanger seats inside the train was holding a medium sized notebook and a pencil. He was drawing. Drawing the portrait of his father with the memory he has. He was a skilled drawer so it wasn't to hard.

Only a few people in the train recognised the pale light blue boy with white hair and eyes of violets. And they stayed far away from him as possible.

As the train stopped at the next pick up spot, a native light brown skinned girl sat beside him. Noticing the girl he quickly scurried off the train but did not notice his precious sketch book which fell.

The girl picked it up, opened it and saw a few drawings. "Amazing"


"How can you be so stupid Sour! That book was filled with the secret routes we go by for our transfers!" Mojito shouted at Sour as all the 8 siblings of Angeluz.

"Imagine if it falls into enemy hands," Kora says sighing sitting on an arm chair.

"Papa won't be happy about this," Kusu said, she was on the carpet cross legged.

"He's 16, what can he know. I'm sure it was a mistake," Korn says with no emotion whatsoever. Mojito sighs.

"We'll just have to elert the buyers that we're changing routes. It's not safe to use the same routes," Mojito said sitting down on the couch and helping himself to some wine.

"Older brother. You shouldn't change all your routes. If a bad guy has all the paths, they might know that we'll of course change them and counter our every move. It's better to create new ones and also keep the old ones. That way we'll win," Meerus says in his tiny voice.

"Meerus you're 10, you shouldn't be knowing these things"

"But H-he does have a point. From such a tiny being, H-he makes s-sense," Vasana, the eldest says in her nervous tone.

"Sister is right, the child speaks some sense. We should take the idea," Kora says.

"And father tells us not to involve them in the business until they finish school. Oh but how the anxious little ones grew wings," Fu says sighing.

Sour was quiet, if only he wasn't so hasty to leave the train. He could have come back home with the note book.

Location: Park

It is said to be not normal for a Yakuza to be seen roaming around in public. Mostly for the Oyabun (boss) .

The Angeluz family is the well most known Yakuza in Japan. And the most down to earth Yakuza you can ever find. They might be known for criminal activities as Yakuza but their the most generous family you can ever find.

Now the Oyabun of the Angel-gami, Mr Dai Angeluz was sitted on a bench on the park, eating ice cream as he feels the peaceful energy around.

Someone sits beside him having a sandwich in hand.

"Good evening Angeluz," he says not looking at the man beside him.

"Good evening to you too Shinjin," Dai says with a smile.

"The package will arrive with a special guest. I hope you don't mind the stay of a week. I'm quiet busy these days," the Jin says.



"Well it isn't a problem. I'm sure my children won't mind the visit"

"Thank you. Well then I must go," Shinjin says after finishing his sandwich. He stood up and walked away leaving Dai alone in peace once more.


Location: Angeluz House

Arriving at this mansion was the least of Naveree's problems. Yakuza meeting other Yakuza certainly grows to a huge problem. And especially that she's a heiress to her uncle's fortune and name to Oyabun-anesan.

The note book she picked up on the plane is still with her. She had found a drawing of her, her father and most of her family. It was strange. The Shinjin family was well known but the Oyabun and Kubuns (child figure) . So the one who drew this must be a spy or something.

She wasn't a Yakuza experienced with other Yakuzas for she was mostly board schooled. But this certainly surprised her. Mostly because there were many drawings of her.

"Um hello," Naveree said with a low voice. Seeing 8 Yakuzas at once was intimidating plus a little one.

"Greetings," they all said at once.

"You must be Naveree Shinjin right?" Korn said. If it wasn't for the hairstyles and height, it would be hard to tell them apart.

"Yes I am, it's a pleasure to meet you Angeluz siblings," she says with a small bow.

"Let us see the package if you may," Kusu says before Naveree puts two suitcases on the table.

"I'm not sure what's in here but my father and Mr Angeluz had agreed to have them transported through Route 62D and Route 10G"

"Hm I see"

They open the two suitcases. In the first was plastic packets filled with yellow powder and in the second was guns. Illegal new revolvers.

"Hm the Revolvers are new so they might be worth millions. And the powder, I suspect they're drugs of some kind," Vados says. It wasn't much. They siblings weren't allowed to traffic something big or they would get in tro

"Still we can't use the routes father gave out. They're also recorded in Sour's notebook," Mojito says.

Naveree takes out a notebook out of her handbag and shows it to everyone.

"I think this is what you're looking for. There are many drawings of you so it must be one of yours. I picked it up at the train," she says and everyone looks at her surprised.

"Thank the gods Sour. We don't need to change anymore"

"I certainly don't mind that my family is drawn here. But I'm still wondering why are there so many drawings of me," she continues saying and all eyes go to Sour. He just rushes out the room without giving no explanation.


"I find you b-beautiful, that's why I drew you most," Sour says as he hears Naveree's voice in his room. Luckily he didn't see the blush that covered her face.

"That actually sweet. I'm just glad you were not spying. My papa would have freaked out. Along with uncle," Sour chuckles at that.

"Do you want to J-join me for tea lady..."


"Lady Naveree"

"what's your name?"

"Sour. Sour Angeluz"

"It's nice to meet such a sweet Yakuza. Artist too," she says and Sour's face turns red in seconds.

A start of a good friendship. Maybe in a few years it will be something more.

Me: done!! Should really do a story for this in the near future

Sour: w-well it w-wasn't that bad

Mojito: I still wonder why you're afraid of females. But you're not afraid of Helles

Sour: I don't wanna talk about it

Dai: Angeluz, nice name.

Instant out 😜

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