Messy Messy Messy

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Hiya guys! The moment I got home from work I started writing this chapter, yes, I'm great like that.  

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Btw you guys put my mind in a blender, some pairings that you suggested never even crossed my mind, so right now I'm not sure which direction to go in. And obviously, I blame all of you for that!

♥️ Happy reading! ♥️


Stopping in his tracks, he turned to look at him and memories of their friendship came back. He didn't know how to feel. His emotions were so mixed that he no longer knew what was real.

I watched Stefan curiously, not much has changed in his life compared to the canon version, but his mind seemed to be in a frenzy. 

He looked at Nik, unable to believe the memories that just came back to him "I remember you. We were friends." 

"We are friends," Nik stated certain of his words, I wish I believed that to be true, but Stefan was doing anything he could think of just to keep Elena protected. He looked at Rebekah, various emotions crossing his face before Nik spoke to Rebekah. "And now the reason you're here. Gloria tells me you know how to contact the original witch."

Rebekah looked confused by his words "The original witch?"Nik spoke once again slowly losing his patience "What do you have that Gloria needs?"
After realizing that her necklace was missing, she lost any cool she had left. Her coffin was quickly emptied but there was no sign of her necklace. Maybe it was time to tell them that I had it? Looking at the crazed look in Rebekah's eyes I decided against it. I quite like keeping my head on my shoulders, and now was anything but the right time to speak the truth. I mean, it's Rebekah, she would try to murder me just for having the necklace in my possession. Hell, she tried to kill me for less than that just a few minutes ago. Better not to test her limits.

"Tell me that's not what she needs, Rebekah!" Nik's angry voice brought me back to reality, Stefan was looking between the two of them nervously, while I passively observed the scene in front of me. It was just a normal day for the Mikaelson's after all. 

After Rekah finally calmed down, we went to a store for some modern 21st-century clothes, after a century-long nap you tend to require stuff like that. Rebekah was cheerful, Nik was on edge, along with Stefan, although their minds were stressed for different reasons. I on the other hand was unsure of my next move. When was the right time to step in? I had no other choice, if I didn't then all my diplomacy would have been for nothing, and goddamnit, it took too much effort to just throw it all in the garbage now.

Rebekah observed herself in the mirror "There has to be more to this dress."Nik watched her blankly "There's not."

She was wearing a short black dress and even though every woman should have one of those in her closet, it should definitely not look like the one she was wearing. 

Rebekah grumbled "So women in the 21st-century dress like prostitutes, then. You know, I got dirty looks for wearing trousers." I chuckled at her words, I didn't envy her for having lived for 1000 years. Those centuries haven't been kind to women, this century isn't perfect but it was definitely better than the previous ones.

Nik chuckled messing with his sister "You wore trousers so women today could wear nothing."Scrunching her face she focused on the song that was playing over the speakers "And what is this music? It sounds like a cable car accident."Stefan decided to finally speak "It's dance music."

She looked at him shocked by his words  "People dance to this?!"I laughed along with Nik, she was entertaining to watch even when she was so far behind the times, in fact, that made her comments even more amusing. Stefan hummed in agreement, while Nik decided to switch to his grumpy mood "Are we done?"Rebekah looked at him in confusion, his mood changed so quickly that if I wasn't already used to it I would go crazy "And why are you so grumpy?"

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