Power Rangers RPM: What scares Kilobyte? (ft. Laluna)

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Laluna: Hey Kilobyte!

Kilobyte: Hm? Oh hey Laluna! What's up?

Laluna: I have a question! What scares you?

General Crunch: *overhears* Oh! I always wanted to know this!

Kilobyte: Uh...It's nothing, okay?

Laluna: Aw c'mon! Not like we're gonna laugh at you or anything!

Kilobyte: Look, there is only one thing I am scared of. But guess what, you will never find out what it is! Haha! *walks away*

General Crunch: I wonder what it is...

General Shifter: What's going on?

Laluna: Kilobyte won't tell us what he's scared of.

General Shifter: You know, I always thought he was fearless.

Laluna: He said only one thing scares him though.

General Crunch: Maybe he's hiding something from us...

*2 hours later*

Laluna: *hears something* Hm?

Laluna: *opens door where noise came from*

Laluna: Oh! Hi Shifter! Watcha doin?

General Shifter: Hey Laluna! I'm trying to catch this cicada that flew in. *sees the cicada* There it is!

Kilobyte: Hey guys! What's going- *the cicada lands on his face* AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!! CICADA!!!!!!!!!!

Laluna: *dies of laughter* Wow! THAT'S what you're scared of?!

General Shifter: *also dying of laughter* I always thought it was spiders!


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