Power Rangers Samurai: Nighlok Headcanons Pt. 1

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You knew this chapter was coming, and here it is!

Nighlok Headcanons!


He hates it when he's called gay (He's pansexual, and he knows the difference)

One of the most cheerful Nighloks in the afterlife. He knows how to throw a good party.

He has a friend group that consists of himself, Splitface, Negatron, and Madimot.


His favorite food is pizza.

He and Doubletone are good friends.

His voice annoys Robtish.


He's good with his hands (not in THAT way freaky people).

He is the strongest Nighlok (physically).

The house from "Party Monsters" is his house, and everyone lives there.

This is a good place to stop for now. Tune in next chapter for more!

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