Chapter 10: "Ultimate moves"

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Your POV

I woke up in my bed and sit up as I stretched up a little. I looked at the clock that were on the wall.

Y/N: "And again, 5 am. What a surprise?" I asked it blankly, already knowing that no one ever will answer me. I stood up and walked up to my table. "Now, where did I put my toothbrush and paste?" I asked myself as searched for them in the cabinets. "Aha! Found them!" I said it to myself happily as I took them in my hand. I walked out from my room closing the door behind me and walking to the elevator. I pressed the button to call the elevator, a few minutes later the doors opened and I walked in, pressed the first floor button and then elevators doors closed as he went down. A few moments elevator stopped as the doors has opened. I walked out from elevator.

Aizawa: "Your up that early?" He asked me as he was sitting on the couch with his hair tied in a tail.

Y/N: "Yeah, I always waking up in this time." I answered to him with the shrug.

Aizawa: "And Midnight was telling me that no one of students would be up in 5 or 6 am." He said it with the chuckle.

Y/N: "But I'm here~" I said in sing song tone as I walked in the girls bathroom. I walked up to one of the sinks as I got some paste on the brush and started to brush my teeth while humming (Favorite/Song). When I was done I spitted out the paste, washed my brush and putted it with the paste in my pocket as I walked out from the bathroom.

Aizawa: "What are you gonna do now?" He asked as he was looking at some papers.

Y/N: "Simple, I'm gonna cook breakfast for everyone." I said it with a shrug as he looked at me with face that totally says 'Really?'.

" I said it with a shrug as he looked at me with face that totally says 'Really?'

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Aizawa: "I'm not getting paid enough for this." He mumbled it in monotone voice as I walked in the kitchen. I opened the fridge and saw that we had a lot of different meat and vegetables. I got them on the kitchen table, put on an apron and started to cook breakfast.

(Time skip. 1 hour and 10 minutes later.)

I finished cooking and heard steps above from others floors.

Y/N: "They probably heard me cooking and that woke them up." I said to myself as take off the apron placed back where it was. I heard a ding from elevator, then heard that the doors opened and then multiple steps like they were from 4-5 people. I walked out from kitchen and saw Kyoka, Momo, Denki, Shoji and Koda. They noticed me.

Momo: "(Y/N)? You're up this early?" She asked me and I decided to joke around a little.

Y/N: "Hey, I supposed to say that." I said as I puffed my cheeks, but then giggle and they laughed a little too. "And about your question." I said it getting their attention to me. "I was already up for like an hour." I said it like it was normal, which is normal for me, but they were now shocked and Momo walked up to me. She took my face in her hands and observed my face, but I blushed. "Mo-Yorozu, what are you doing?" I asked her and she looked at me worried a bit.

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