Chapter 23: "Preparing"

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Your POV

It's been a week since Michael got information about Vanessa being here, in Japan. Of course, Michael, for my safety, warned teachers and they warned director about this, and then they upgraded UA's security more. Of course, this didn't go unnoticed for paparazzi and they begun crowds near the entrance to UA, which was annoying. Teachers warned our parents about this and mom is now calling me every day after that, while dad... Is dad, very busy businessman and blah blah, you know how this shit works. Plus Michael was texting with someone most of his time, of course it didn't go unnoticed for me, so I tried to discover who it was, but Michael was more careful with me and I still didn't discover who it is. For now I'm cuddling with Pony on the couch in common area, and Michael was gone for a while right now.

Pony: "Are you worried about him?" She asked as she lightly petted one of my ears with her finger, which made me blush.

Y/N: "How can I not be worried?" I asked her back and she didn't how to answer, so I just buried my face into her chest lightly.

Pony: "Now, now, we both know that he's strong and can stand for himself. Plus, you need to stop stressing yourself, it's bad for your health." She said it calmly as she was petting me from my head to my spine.

Y/N: "But-" I wanted to say as I lifted up my head, but she cutted me off by kissing me, of course, I quickly kissed back. After a few minutes, we separated panting a little. I laid my head back down as she hugged me by my waist with one of her arms, while her other arm was petting me from my head to my hips. My eyes started to feel heavy and I fall sleep.

Michael POV

Michael: "So you didn't see her for this whole time?" I asked Darby as we walked down the streets.

Darby: "No, she's like disappeared, when police came to me a few days ago." He said it calmly. Yes, he.

Michael: "Well, that only means that she might got more people to help her." I said it nervous a little.

Darby: "How's your sister doing?" He asked calmly.

Michael: "She's probably worried about me, but knowing her girlfriends, she should be fine." I said it as I sighed heavily.

Darby: "She's lucky to have them." He said it with the small smile, but it was a sad one.

Michael: "Why are you sad?" I asked him straightly, startling him.

Darby: "I-I... I... *Sigh*" He sighed as we stopped. "It's just my unluckiness, you know? My look, my gender, and everything." He said it saddened as he hugged himself and leaned against the wall.

Michael: "So, basically your just tired of being alone? Like without a lover?" I asked calmly and he nodded.

Darby: "Yeah, I mean, have you ever seen a male that would like to have a trap as his wife?" He asked me calmly.

Michael: "Here, no, back in America, a few times." I said it calmly, but it didn't helped him. "Have you tried to find someone?" I asked him calmly.

Darby: "Yeah, I tried, but when someone finds out about my dick, they immediately leaving me, you know these men. I'm actually surprised that you're still talking to me." He said it amazed a little.

Michael: "Believe me, if I were asked to date a harem of traps for 100,000$, I would do that even without a money." He said it with the small chuckle, but I felt my cheeks to burn up a little.

Darby: "*Giggle* Are you trying to say that you would like to date me?" He asked me giggling a little, but his question startled me and made me think about it for a second. I mean, he is cute and it's fun to have time with him, but I'm still not sure.

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