Chapter 9: "The dorms"

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(2 days later after rescuing mission.)

Your POV

Dad: "I can't accept this." He said it sternly as he was sitting on the couch in living room and in front of Aizawa-sensei and All Might, even though All Might looked like a skeleton and had a broken arm.

Y/N and Michael: "Dad! We already talked about it yesterday!" We yelled at him from our sits, while mom sat beside him with the poker face. As for Jaiden and Elizabeth, they were in the room too. Jaiden was sitting in the chair, while Eli was sitting on her lap.

Dad: "Yes! I did say it! However, I want to be sure that this kidnapping thing won't happen again." He said it sternly, while looking at All Might and Aizawa-sensei.

Aizawa: "I can assure you that it won't happen again. We upgraded our security and we can assure you that villains won't get in the UA." He said in his usual monotone voice. Dad just sighed.

Dad: "Do whatever you need to do. Now, if you excuse me, I need to go." He said as he got up and walked out of the room and we heard the front door open and the close. We all sighed in relief.

Mom: "I'm very sorry about him." She said it sounding sad a little. "He's just worry about that this will happen again and this time there is a chance that (Y/N) or Michael won't come back." She said it looking at the floor.

All Might: "We understand your concern, but you need to understand why we are doing that." He said it calmly and my mom nodded.

Mom: "I know and I just want that my babies were safe and happy. So please, keep an eye on them." She said it as me and Michael smiled.

Aizawa: "We will. Now about the moving in the dorms." He said as looked at us. "You can already pack your stuff and today in 10 p.m. a truck to carry your belongings will come here and take them there. The main thing is to sign the boxes so we won't be confused whose boxes is it." He said it and we nodded. All Might and Aizawa-sensei stood up. "Well, this is all. We will go now and I'll see you two tomorrow." He said it as he pointed at us and we nodded. They walked out of the room and we heard the front door open and close.

Mom: "Well, go on. Pack your stuff you two." She said as she stood up and walked to the kitchen. I stood up and ran to my room, Michael just disappeared in his paper and flew to his room. I walked in my room.

Y/N: "Well," I said as I crunched with my fingers. "time to start packing!" I said to myself and started packing my stuff.

(Time skip. Tomorrow, UA in front of 1-A dorms.)

Y/N: "Kyoky! Tory!" I called out for them as I hugged them both tightly. "I'm so glad you're okay!" I yelled in relief and happiness.

Kyoka: "(Y/N)..." She breathed out and struggled a little.

Toru: "...can't breath..." She finished the sentence and I panicked a little, then let them go.

Y/N: "S-sorry..." I apologized as I blushed a little.

Kyoka: "Don't worry, we know that you were worried about us, because of that gas and everything." She said as she gained her breath. Aizawa-sensei cleared his throat and we looked at him.

Aizawa: "For now, I'm just glad that we were able to bring Class 1-A back together again." He said it more looking at me and Bakugo and I don't blame him.

Sero: "Everyone was allowed to enter the dorms, huh?" He asked and Toru just sighed.

Toru: "I had a hard time!" She said it tiredly and I patted her back.

Kyoka: "That's normal..." She said as she scratched her cheek with her index finger.

Ojiro: "The two of you were directly affected by the gas." He pointed out calmly.

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