Fan Fictions - What's the Point?

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So, let's talk about Fan Fictions! Oh, before we go any further, I sort of just write stuff down that I think of at that precise moment so if you don't understand any of it then... I guess you probably wouldn't be able to have a decent conversation with me. Or maybe you would as it is kind of strange to read a real life conversation. Oh well, let's just get on with something for once. I do tend to go on for a long time so you can just leave on your own accord. No, really, you're not a prisoner or anything.

So let's actually talk about Fan Fictions. I only catergorised this part of Me and the Things I Talk About (which is the title, obviously) as a Fan Fiction because, well, it's about Fan Fictions. Fan Fictions, in case you didn't know, are stories related to other things. For example, a Harry Potter or The Hunger Games Fan Fiction would be about something similar to those story lines. Like, you could create a character similar to Katniss in The Hunger Games and write about them and stuff like that. If you want all that simplified (don't worry, it is not maths!) then a Fan Fiction is basically just a remake of a popular thing or something that's already been made; a bit like a cover version.

I am actually going to attempt to write a sort of Fan Fiction for school. Well, it's kind of a Fan Fiction but not quite. We had to write 3 "descriptive paragraphs" from a soldier's P.O.V. in the book War Horse. We have to write what the soldier felt, heard, saw etc. Our teacher told us to make sure we didn't write a story and instead just wrote a description which is kind of annoying for me. However, I'll post it on here anyway when it's all finished and stuff so if you want to read you can. Anyways, when that's up that'll just about wrap it up for this page so I'll see on the next or in the comments! ;)


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