you know hes angry when...

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He taps his foot on the ground or fiddles with things. He has a little frown while hes doing this. He waits for you to notice. When you do notice, he has tears of anger welling up. You wipe his cheeks and kiss him softly reminding him everything will be okay.

He clenches his jaw and looks at the ground while playing with the hem of his shirt. He likes to keep his anger in so you dont worry about him. But when its too much for him, he will explode. He will go to you with tears in his eyes and hug you very tight. You will let him rant on and on about whats bothring him. And if that doesn't help, he will get some ;))

He will sigh extremely loud in order to get your attention. He wont stop till you ask him "whats wrong". He will tell you whats bothering him and you will do your best to fix it. Because you love cam.

He'll walk in, his fist clenched. And roughly kiss you. You'd be a little startled but you loved it. And he'd probably fuck you, really roughly. Cos ya know, he's angry.

He'll try his best to hide it from you. But usually he'll be to obvious. Knocking things over by accident. Then you'll kiss him and ask him whats wrong. He'll explain everything running his hands through his hair. You'll make him laugh and he'll buy ice cream and eat it with you.

Two words: angry sex ;))

He'd walk in and cry into your chest. You'd hug him and kiss him to stop his sobs. He'd sniff and refuse to tell you telling you its okay. You'd shake your head and say if he didnt tell you, no desert for him. He'd give in and tell you. He'd make you laugh because of his hand gestures. You'd kiss him and take a nap together.
Jack g:

He'd grab your hips roughly and kiss you draining all his sorrows. He'd makeout with you until he'd start crying. You knew something was bothing him from the minute he walked in. He'd explain while you made him food. You'd eat food with him, listening to his rant. After he was done ranting you'd take some of his food and say "great food huh?". He'd laugh at you and smother some of your food in his face saying "I know right".
Jack j:

He'd lay his head on your lap and you'd play with his blonde hair. He'd rant on and on about whats bothering him and you'd nod your head and agree with everything hes saying. He'd kiss you and thank you for listening. After that he'd take you out and spoil you.
Hey first preference whad up?! Lol this kinda sucked though. I didnt do all of the guys. I do the guys that just come to mind. Thanks for reading!!

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