Chapter Eight ~ What We Believe is Right

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{ A/N,

Short chapter, but worth the read.

Please, VOTE!!}

Vega woke up the next day in confusion. She wasn't exactly sure where she was at first.

She sat upright, trying to remember what had happened. But every bone in her body hurt, her ears were ringing, and she noticed bandages on her hands.

Then it all came back.

Sitting outside the headmaster's office, seeing her father, the questions, the answers, the infinite pain in her head, the glass. She remembered it all, even though she wished it had been a dream.

Vega laid back down on the pillow and began to cry again. She had wanted everything to be okay with her and her father, but she went and messed it up again. And she hadn't even told him that she was Slytherin or that she had Lily's wand.

Lily's wand.

Vega began looking around for the wand that meant so much, not just to her, but to everyone. In good and bad ways, too. She searched frantically, so many thoughts going through her head, not to mention the physical pain she felt trying to maneuver around.

Then she heard some footsteps coming her way, so Vega quickly covered herself with the blankets on her bed and fell onto the pillow to act like she was sleeping.

"Don't fool me like that, Vega! I know you're awake," said the person coming closer.

Vega opened her eyes and slowly sat back up in her bed. She turned her head toward the entrance of the hospital to see Minerva walking as fast as possible.

"Minerva I-"

"You had to get yourself put in the hospital on the first day! I know you fool around with those Weasleys a lot, but I would have thought better of you!"

In spite of herself, Vega made an airy laugh. She began to cough because of the pain in her lungs. "I'm sorry, Minerva. I don't know what happened to me." She looked down, not wanting to meet McGonagall's sweet eyes.

Minerva sat on the edge of Vega's bed and put a reassuring hand on her. "I know, dear," Minerva whispered.

They sat in silence for a moment. Good silence.

"I don't understand why this is happening to me. And nobody will tell me anything I want to hear. I know you all know something that I don't."

"Listen, dear. I don't know how you found out about this secret, but-"

"Where is she?" A pair of familiar voices shouted.

"What are you doing out of class boys?" McGonagall asked with her stern voice.

"Oh we-we were-" George was trying to come up with an excuse.

"We lost our way, professor! We are so lucky to have run into you because-" Fred began, but was interrupted by McGonagall.

"Save it boys. You have ten minutes to visit, then it's back to class for the both of you," Minerva said, then turned towards Vega, "As for you, dear, you'll probably be wanting this back." She handed Vega Lil's wand.


"Yes, of course." Vega watched as the professor eyed her up and down and leaned in closer, "Now, as for your father-"

"Minerva, I really don't want to talk about him," Vega enforced.

McGonagall looked distraught, "Alright, well, get some rest. And, remember boys. Ten minutes!" She walked away, eyeing the two gingers in the doorway.

As soon as she was gone, the twins ran to Vega.

"Are you alright? What happened?" they said in unison.

"Thanks for coming to see me, but I would rather not talk about it boys."

"Understandable," agreed Fred.

"When do you get out of here?" wondered George.

"Well, she's fractured a rib, torn up her hands, and possibly damaged her hearing. So, I'd say another night and Ms. Kali should be ready to leave." Madam Pomfrey had walked in just moments before.

At the mention of the name Kali, Vega began feeling overwhelmed once more.The twins and Madam Pomfrey continued chatting, but Vega was lost in her own thoughts. Why the hell would Dumbledore bring Dad here? Sirius is on the loose, my name has to be changed along with other normalities, and there's still Dad's werewolf problem, she wondered. Vega tried to calm herself afraid something bad could happen, like last night.

"Vega? Vega!" said the twins, bringing her back from her reverie.


"George and I have to get back to class," Fred announced, winking.

"Don't worry, we'll come back later," George assured.

"Feel better!" They both cheered in unison, leaving Vega with Madam Pomfrey, who had went back into her office,

With the absence of people, Vega began to think hard.

She began to feel like a burden, like the people surrounding her were just acting happy. She felt afraid and powerful at the same time. The power she had felt within her last night scared her and made Vega ask herself if she really was worth all the trouble. She probably hurt her father, she most likely scared Snape away, her house was still the most hated, and she carried the most precious wand in the school. She didn't dare ask herself if life could get any worse.

At this point, Vega believed she had formulated the perfect plan. Her worst fear was hurting the people she cared about, and she knew that if she ever caused anyone pain, she would shatter. So, after a few hours of time to think, Vega came to the conclusion that she just wouldn't let anyone get close. She would push away everyone because, even if it hurt her, the people she loved with all her heart would be safe. She was willing to take the risk.

Besides, no one really cared for her. They were just trying to keep a secret from her.

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