Trojan Horse

474 20 5

written by: yourhonor

status: non-canon

WARNINGS: swearing, injury

Sapnap sighs, ambling towards his front door.

It's been a long day.

Work was busy, he's hungry and tired, impatiently waiting to reach his shower to wash off the day's filth. He knows he has to make supper for himself and his sister so he already begins to consider what he's going to cook as he steps on each creaky stair leading up to his porch. He slides his keys into the lock on his front door, listening to the familiar clicking of metal.

Maybe we still have corned beef, he thinks as he pulls it open, stepping out of the way so it doesn't hit him.

"Julia!" He calls. "I'm home!"

She doesn't respond.

He frowns, removing his shoes and coat. She usually naps earlier in the day so he can't think of a reason she'd be asleep right now, unless she's just not responding because she's in the restroom.

He steps into the house and closes the front door, locking it behind him. "Julia?"

"Sapnap!" She says excitedly.

He walks to the source of the sound and stops dead in his tracks, heart leaping into his throat. He drops his bag on the floor.

There's a man.

It's not just any man, it's Schlatt. His little sister is seated on his knee.

Dolls, wooden blocks, and dominos litter the floor of the study.

Julia smiles, clutching her doll in her hands. "We've been waiting for you."

Sapnap suddenly feels his throat tighten, making it hard to breathe. "W-What the fuck are you doing here?" He asks the vampire.

"Jesus, Sapnap, not in front of the child." Schlatt says, setting down his doll to cover her ears gently with his hands. They're big enough to wrap around her head, making Sapnap choke.

"Don't touch her!" He spits, voice wavering.

"Easy, boy. I'm not doing anything." Schlatt lowers his hands.

"How did you get into my house? How long have you been here? W-What are you doing with my sister? Why are you here?"

"You ask too many questions." Schlatt tuts. "She let me in. I'm not hurting her, we were just passing the time with a little game of dollhouse while we await your return. I have some questions for you."

Sapnap holds a finger up to his collar, hooking and pulling it away from his still-tightening throat. "What do you want from me?"

Schlatt stands, suddenly towering over Sapnap's shaking stature. "Keep it down. I need to talk to you about George Davidson. You know him, don't you?" He plants a hand on the human's shoulder.

Sapnap doesn't know how to speak.

Thoughts buzz around in his head but the words are trapped in his mouth, unable to escape. He doesn't want to rat out his best friend, but he knows if he doesn't speak, he's putting his sister's life at risk. Maybe he doesn't know that, but he knows what this vampire is capable of. He's backed into a corner.

He would never forgive himself if something happened to her.

"I...I know him." He croaks. Julia stands and starts picking wooden blocks off the ground, arranging a castle with the pieces to the best of her ability, completely oblivious to the situation.

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