
482 18 33

Written by: yourhonorStatus: non-canon

WARNINGS: swearing, blood/gore, animal death, panic attacks(?)

Wind whispers through the open windows looking out into the setting sun. Mint curtains dance and glide through the thin air. The evening glow of candlelight illuminates the pages of a heavy book.

The ravenette takes the cream colored page between pinched fingers and takes it to the other side of the cover, scanning the words but lost in thought. He's hardly following the story, as he lets his fingers slide down the page absentmindedly.

Sapnap sighs and sets the book down, reclining the chair slightly. Images of maps and plain words dance in front of his eyes as he blinks away what had been burned in his vision.

He considers taking a nap. There's not much to do in the house.

With that in mind, he feels tired, so he sits up and starts putting his books away, lining them up neatly along his shelf. He hums a sweet tune, dusting the covers of his books before he slides them into place. He gently folds back the bent corner of his paperback copy of Little Women, wanting to keep it in mint condition.

Suddenly, a loud knock sounds from the front door.

Startled, he sets the books down. "Just a moment!" He calls out. He makes his way down the stairs and to the front door, pulling it open.

Nothing could have prepared him.

His face falls as the door reveals the man on his porch.

His heart rate quickens, polite demeanor quickly slipping away.

"Schlatt..." He chokes. He swallows his fear, meeting the vampire's eyes. The deep red matches his memories of warm, bright blood on his hands, working away at George's bullet wounds.

"Can you?"

The simple question feels stupid as it falls from his mouth, but it's the most he can manage to say while the sudden pool of dread begins to settle in his chest.

"Yes, actually. May I come in?"

"I'd prefer if you stayed out there. We... we can talk like this, can't we?" Sapnap asks, sticking a hand in his pocket. Rough fingertips brush against the cool metal of his pocket knife.

"I'll make this qui-"

"I insist." Sapnap cuts him off. He tries hard not to seem afraid as he lets his eyes briefly wander to his neighbors, wondering if they're home. If they'll be able to hear me scream.

Schlatt lets his voice drop. "It's in your best interest to take this conversation inside."

"Don't sell me a dog, I know what you're trying to do, leech." Sapnap hisses. "You can't get into my house."

"Have it your way." Schlatt says, with a small shrug. "See, I need your help with something. Tell me about Dream and his human."

"Tell you about...?" Sapnap questions. "What is there to tell?"

"Where are they?" Schlatt responds, patience running thin.

"Why are you so obsessed with them? I don't know." Sapnap scoffs. "Ran off, somewhere."

"You're telling me you don't know where your best friend and his pet vampire are." Schlatt narrows his eyes.

"Jesus." Sapnap mutters at his crude language. The way he addresses them is so degrading. "No, I don't know. We...had a fight." He lies through his teeth, wrapping a hand around the blade. He can only hope his poor lying skills can be mistaken for discomfort surrounding the subject of their conflict.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 06, 2022 ⏰

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