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Mafia wolf form.

I saw one of those predators for the first time today, while I was fishing. Carving a piece of one of the rabbit creatures antlers into a hook, using the he, of one of my shirts as the line, and a branch as the, pole and it'd worked fairly decently. Well, until I spotted the predator looking around. I was quick to go for cover. It was a chimera, it's fur was a sleek grey with a blue hue, it's thick mane was white, and it had red eyes... well, one eye was red, the other was blue with a red ring around it. The goat head was snow white with red eyes, with a red serpent as it's tail. It was terrifying. It lumbered down for a drink, never seeming to notice me and I was hella glad. There was a roar somewhere deeper in Sakonean and I made a mental note to go the opposite direction of whatever roared. The chimera's head swiveled around, listening. Then it trotted towards the roar. Musta been it's mate or something. Either way, I waited for ten more minutes before coming out of hiding. Now I knew why Sans wanted my to know magic. No knife would take something like that thing down.


The only normal thing in Sakonean? Fish. I'm sure there was magical fish in that river too, but the three fish I caught were not magic. I fileted them and dumped them in my food pouch that I made the rabbit hide into. I put my pole in my pack and started looking for a camp for the oncoming night. Three fish would last a bit. I was running out of rabbit meat, so now I was good for a while longer. After awhile, I came along a clearing and started setting up camp. Up went my teepee, stuffed with foliage, around went my alarm system, and out went my bed. Unaware of they eyes that watched my every move. I pulled out what remained of the antlers. I'd failed alot in making these into things, but I've been getting the hang of it. Hence the few fishing hooks I had, a shiv or two, and an attempt at a comb. Why? I got bored and didn't need anymore weapons. I'm thinking of making nails so I can hang my pack and food.


My mind wandered back to Sans as I carved a nail. It's been about two weeks. I survived this long without him, but he was always on my mind. He was one of the only people who ever actually cared. He was my friend and I missed having the guy around. I wished he'd at least send a message via Grillbz and say hi or something, jeez. I'm gonna need something for a hammer, ain't I? "shit, this won't work." Hanging my crap would be nice. Maybe next time I can just not strip all the branches off so I'm not waisting any bone. So what could I use this for then? I looked at the small sharpened object. This would hurt like hell to step on, maybe I could wound some animal with this thing? I gave the object an amused grin. "i'll find some use for this, just ya wait." I wonder what Sans would have been like as a prince? I would have much rather married him- I froze up at the thought, cheekbones turning red. Prince Sans.. King Sans... King's Red and Sans.... "oh my stars.." Sans wasn't just a friend to him. He felt ashamed for not realizing it sooner.


After resolving to find Sans in the morning, I went to bed for the night. My alarms were still in functioning order, I checked. I will find him and tell him how I feel. Maybe I can live with him and his family? I'm useful. I can do shit. Maybe with any luck he'll feel the same way and we can live happily together. Settle down. Have kids. I've always wanted kids, and I'll never be an asshole to them. I'll be a good parent with a good husband. I drifted off to that happy note.


A white paw stepped carefully over the wire that Red had set up as his alarm system. The beast stalking closer. He'd noticed Red earlier, at the river, hiding. He resolved to wait until Red's guard was down later. Now it was dark, Red was asleep, and the beast was hunting. He was the prey. His fur was silvery in the moonlight. He bared sharp teeth, ready to stain the earth red.. until he caught the scent. It was fairly new, maybe two weeks. So that's where he'd been. The beast decided not to kill him, not yet. He had questions first.

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