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I sat in my room as the pack went hunting for Horror. I kinda felt bad for the guy, it's not like he wanted to be this thing. Once upon a time ago he was just like me. Just a mage.. A howl rose up, followed by another and another. They'd probably found his scent. "it shouldn't be long, now.."
"says you." I jolted and looked around. "what the hell?!"
"down here, numb nuts." I looked down to... a fairy. A little goopy skeleton with a cyan glow. "you know that thing out there is going to kill them, and then it's going to come here and take you, so you might as well just accept your fate." He concluded. "it saves us all the trouble of dealing with another mage." Was that true? Was Sans going to die because of me? My eyelights darted to the window. It's been quiet... too quiet. "you're scaring him, nightmare! stop it!" My attention snapped to another fairy, a not so goopy skeleton with a yellow glow. "it's the truth, isn't it?" The one named Nightmare snapped. "not necessarily. they could have a chance." The other replied. "don't tell me you're actually supporting this mage.." The one with the yellow glow looked at me, smiling. "of course i do!"


Flattering as his little declaration was, I was worried for Sans and the pack. "can i stop this?" I asked the nice one. "well sure you can!" He chirped. "it won't be easy, if that's what your expecting." I grinned wearily. "i like these odds already, lay it on me." Nightmare rolled his eye. "please, dream, tell me your actually going to tell him, he's better off-"
"up,up,up! that's enough out of you! of course i will, but please be very careful. one wrong move..." I shook my skull. "and i'll be like him, i know. i still wanna try, if it means protectin them." Dream gave another smile. "well, a wendigo feeds off the soul of its host. as the spirit does this, it 'freezes' the soul, so to speak. so you'd need to break the spell with powerful fire magic or something along those lines." The first thing that came to my mind was my blasters. "but... won't that kill 'im?"
"yes, obviously." Nightmare huffed, crossing his arms. "mage, you must remember this... intent is everything." Dream explained.


"wait- what th' hell does that mean!?" Intent is everything? What? Dream was about to respond when Nightmare tackled him. "don't you dare! let the dumb ass figure it out himself!" I snorted, finding his little display, well, hilarious. The small moment didn't last though as I heard Sans calling from outside. "hey red! it's safe to come out now!" He sounded pretty close.. but I couldn't see him. "red? you sleeping or something?" What may or may not have been Sans questioned. "heh... red. it's safe you can come here." It was being persistent. "come here. red. i'm just over here. my mate. my red. come." I found myself backing away from the window. I'm pretty sure that- "it's the wendigo.." Dream murmured. "i know." Where IS Sans? If it was after me, why didn't they wait here? Unless they thought Horror would be expecting that? "looks like dumb ass has some brains after all." I would have glowered at Nightmare if a new onslaught of calls hadn't made me go into a panic. "r-red! help red! i-it hurts! h-help me! red, please! it hurts, red!" My eyelights disappeared. It could be the Wendigo... but what if it really WAS Sans? "red, wait-" I had to go.

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