The Vampire

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Seeing Red with Lust was painful. It reminded me that I couldn't always be there to protect him.. I couldn't help but feel jealous and I took all those emotions out on Red. I'd hoped he hadn't taken my words to heart, that when I came to apologize in the morning and explain myself, my feelings to him, he'd  be there, but to my horror, he wasn't. His stuff was gone. He was gone. "no, no, no, no stars dammit!" I snarled, feeling deep regret burn through me. He was out there alone and I wasn't there to protect him AGAIN. "this is my fault... i have to fix it." I spun around shifting to my wolf form. "Alpha, where are you going?" G asked coming back from patrol. Knowing him, he'd probably tried to get rid of any trace of Red's scent. He wasn't dumb, he was well aware that I'd want to apologize when I woke up and he wasn't going to make it easy on me. Naturally I couldn't prove that though. I couldn't order him to tell me something I had no proof of. "out, watch the pack while i'm gone." I replied, rushing away from camp.


I looked for any indication of Red. I had Grillbz searching the surrounding area for him. I knew better. He wouldn't go home. I should have kept myself in check. Now ordinarily, I wouldn't be panicking like this, Red could handle himself. But they way I'd left him like that.. Red usually acted on his emotions, so if he thought nobody cared, he wouldn't see the point. He'd finally found someone who cared and I'd snapped in his face. I had to find him... before something else did. Grillbz circled overhead. He must have found him. I ran in a tight circle, watching the Phoenix. He started southwestward and I gave chase. If all else, I just want him to hear my apology, I don't care if he doesn't forgive me, I need him to know that I never meant it. I jumped and weaved through Sakonean's trees. His scent finally came to me. Along with another. Something was hunting him and closing in fast. My fur bristled and I growled dangerously, lips drawn back in a snarl. Nothing kills Red on my watch.


It was the vampire, Geno. He was turned before he died, a ugly slash from battle still on his chest. He was looking Red over dangerously and Red wasn't fighting back, only glaring defiantly at the blood sucker. Geno didn't like that, I a flash he had Red pinned against a tree and fangs poised to bury themselves into Red's bones. Like hell I was letting that happen. I howled a battle cry and lunged at the undead monster. He abandoned his prey, startled that a werewolf came. I stood protectively in front of Red, head raised high as I growled a warning. I would kill him if he tried again. "a werewolf protecting a mage? that's new. i would have thought you'd want to rip him apart before he ended up like error." He was trying to goad me into shifting, but if I did, he'd have the advantage. He'd probably feed off of both of us. Werewolves were a rare delicacy to vampires. They were rarely caught off guard. I wouldn't let him have us though. I took a confident step forward, growling louder. Realizing that I knew his plans, Geno surrendered. "fine. the mage it yours.." He grumbled.


I turned my head, only to see Red walking away. I internally flinched. This... was to be expected, I suppose. I ran after him, trotting at his side for a bit. "what do ya want, sans? i'm not goin home.." Red didn't look at me and I could hear the hurt in his tone. He was likely blaming himself for my stupidity. I don't want him to think this was his fault, I don't want him to leave me alone. I want to protect him. I shifted forms, catching Red's arm and pulling him close to me in a hug.

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