He's Awake

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The next few days passed quickly and without incident. The group had made sure Y/N had two people with him at all times so Katie couldn't get near him.

The task was made easier by the fact Hermione hadn't left the hospital wing at all. She would shower and change in there, Madam Pomfrey having her meals brought in for her. Dumbledore had granted Hermione permission to be absent from classes as she was so far ahead, and Lavender brought her any homework that she missed each day.

The group had decided not to tell Hermione about Katie and her schemes. Hermione had enough stress on her plate as it was.

Lavender had been worried to the point of fear prior to her detentions, which made it all the more shocking when they had been easy, almost pleasant. When Harry had detentions he had been made to scrub cauldrons by hand. All Snape told Lavender to do was revise for her exam. They had sat in silence while he marked papers.

Y/N's recovery had been slower than anticipated. The curse lotion was working, but it was doing so slowly. Madam Pomfrey assured the group, and especially Hermione, that this was fine. It was just due to the fact that Leviathans were Legendary Creatures, dating from the First Age. Their magic (and curses) were much more potent than a simple dragon bite.


Y/N had been in the coma for a week when Madam Pomfrey said she could wake him. Harry and Hermione were present in the hospital wing at the time.

Madam Pomfrey administered the Wiggenweld Potion and after a few moments Y/N's eyes started to flutter. It took a while for him to wake up and every moment that passed Hermione grew more and more panicky.

After three or four minutes when he didn't open his eyes Hermione was almost hyperventilating. It wasn't how Hermione had imagined it, that he would open his eyes and see her and smile. Instead, he was quite disorientated, his eyes shooting around the room as he groaned raspily.

Hermione began to visibly panic as she fiddled with her hands and her breathing became even more erratic. Madam Pomfrey looked at the girl sympathetically and said:

"I assure you this is completely normal when one awakens from a coma. Y/N will be with us soon".

Hermione nodded at the matron's sweet calming tone, as Harry gently squeezed Hermione's shoulder in support.

After ten minutes Y/N's eyes opened fully as he glanced around the room. His eyes finally found their target- he smiled at Hermione as tears of happiness and relief fell from her eyes.

He tried to speak but his throat was too dry and raspy, Hermione quickly releasing his hand to pass him a glass of water. He downed the whole glass before catching his breath.

Y/N looked at Harry and Hermione and smiled, saying in a still croaky voice:

"Two of my three favourite people"

Hermione dove onto Y/N, squeezing him tightly as she cried in joy. Y/N instantly winced and groaned in pain. Hermione immediately let go and chastised herself, apologising profusely.

"It's ok Hermione, it's ok" Y/N said with a still raspy voice, before looking down at the source of his pain. He immediately noticed the pink scar running the length of his chest, diagonally starting just under his left collarbone downwards. He felt it's end just under his right pectoral, recoiling and hissing somewhat from the tenderness as he touched it, the bruising that covered his torso ranged from deep purple to a sickly yellowy-green colour. As he looked down at it he chuckled, saying quietly:

"That's new"

"It's likely to be permanent, because of the Leviathan's curse" Hermione said in a saddened tone.

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