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"I can't believe you left me to handle everything yesterday," Ningguang sighed, rubbing her temple with two fingers. "Don't you have any respect for your empire?" 

"Did you forget to whom you're speaking?" the emperor crossed his arms. 

"Right, my apologies, Emperor," she rolled her eyes. 

"I wouldn't keep you around if you were afraid to speak your mind," the emperor admitted. "I have enough people to-" 

"That suck your dick? Yes, I've seen your harem, emperor," Ningguang placed her hands on her hips and sighed. 

The emperor laughed, nearly keeling over from laughing too hard. "You've got a marvelous character, Ningguang. I will have no regrets leaving the Liyue Empire in your hands." 

"Emperor...?" Ningguang raised her hand, eyes panicking slightly. "W-what are you talking about? The situation with Inazuma has been resolved. There isn't going to be a war, why would you...?" she couldn't find the words to finish her sentence. 

"Forgive me, that sounded more ominous than I had intended," he apologized. "I simply meant that I will have to leave for a few days to repay a favor to an old friend." 

"I see," Ningguang breathed a sigh of relief. "In that case, enjoy your vacation with your favorite concubine." 


"You're not taking him?" Ningguang blinked, surprised. 

"This is not a vaca-" 

"Mhm," Ningguang raised her hand to cut him off. "And I don't go down to the harbor to see my favorite pirate." 

"I think your pirate comes here to see you more often," the emperor smirked.

"Oh, shut up and go on your honeymoon already," she waved her hand and shooed him out. 

"Take care of things for me," he replied, turning around to open the door. 

"Right, right, just be sure to come back in one piece, okay?" 

"Ha," the emperor chuckled, leaving. 


"Morax," Azhdaha grabbed his arm. 

"What is it?" the emperor looked over his shoulder to see Azhdaha's face. His eyes were wide, terrified. 

"Xiao...he...you aren't...?" Azhdaha struggled to put his words together. He got on his knees and bowed, pressing his forehead against the stone pathway as best as he could even though his horns got in the way. "I wish to make my request of you; the one you promised me." 

"Alright," he turned around, facing Azhdaha properly. 

"Use my life instead." 

"What are you talking about?" 

"I know you intend to split your lifespan with Ajax. You've lived a long life and it's unclear how much longer you can prosper this way. Please split my life instead." 


"Do not refuse me!" Azhdaha snapped his head up, eyes furious. "This is my request! You promised me a request, Morax!" 

"You're certain?" Zhongli knelt down, placing his hand on Azhdaha's shoulder. "This takes more out of you than simply your life, Azhdaha. You might lose your sentience and become nothing more than an oversized geovishap as you were in the past." 

"I have made my request, Morax, I do not intend to take it back." 

The emperor closed his eyes, sighing, before opening them again. "As you wish." He positioned his hand and stabbed it through Azhdaha's chest, pulling out what looked like an odd piece of jade. He snapped it in half, returning the rest to Azhdaha. The emperor stood, picking up the unconscious Azhdaha and slinging him over his shoulder. He made his way to Ajax's room. 

"What is going on?" Ajax opened the door and was met with Zhongli's hand going right through his chest to place the other half of the strange jade. Ajax's eyes rolled back into his head, he passed out, falling into Zhongli. The emperor, still carrying Azhdaha's large body, picked up Ajax's as well, and placed him on his bed. He left, to put Azhdaha in his own room. 

"Azhdaha..." Zhongli grabbed his hand and sat down in a chair next to his bed. He placed both hands on his and brought it up to his forehead. "I've failed you." He gritted his teeth and clung to his hand. "To think you would find out and take matters into your own hands. I was thoughtless to offer you the ability to request anything of me." 

"M...orax..." Azhdaha squeezed his hand in his. He smiled a bit, trying to cling to his consciousness as best as he could. "Don't you have something to do? Don't worry about me," he spoke quietly. 

"Xiao." The body appeared and Zhongli continued, "Please look after him while I'm gone. Let me know if his condition worsens." 

"Yes, Master." 

The Emperor's MenaceWhere stories live. Discover now