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a tiny time jump :)


1 MONTH...


I fucking hate traffic. This shit is so annoying that I could literally jump off a bridge.

Plus, that business meeting at Renascent had me nearly snoring. I completely understand why I need to be there for the meetings about our incoming drugs and weapons but fuck it's boring. We have a meeting about it every week to make sure everything is in check and they ruin my day easily.

All I want to do is go home and eat a damn pizza but I guess these ass wipes don't know how to drive.

People don't realize how annoying it can be driving a motorcycle in traffic. It cramps your hand up so bad after a while and it is not fun.

Maybe I'll buy an automatic car soon.

Actually, no need for that. I'll just start driving Eric's truck.

May that fucker rot in hell.

I've had his truck over the years and have driven it a few times just to make sure it runs right but it's so loud after a while that it gets just as annoying as my car.

At least in his truck, I wouldn't have to deal with a clutch.

Finally, people start to move and the traffic eases up. I put my olive green Harley in gear and start to drive, shifting gears to catch up with everyone. The nice cool breeze has my hair flying in all directions from under my back full-face helmet.

I don't know why I thought wearing a very low-cut black bodysuit, high-waisted vintage Levi jeans, and a black leather jacket was a good idea today. It is so fucking hot outside today but at least my bike was at Renascent anyways. I decided to just leave my car in the garage and ride this for a little bit.

As I cruise down the highway to go towards home, I glance in my mirror and notice a large, black suv following me way too close.

I speed up a little bit to give myself some distance between them but when they speed up to get on my ass again, I start to become suspicious.

I nonchalantly observe the car behind me in the mirror and quickly notice that it is not a Renascent member. I don't recognize this car one bit.

I quickly decide to turn down a random road to see if they continue following me and as I suspected they do but I notice another identical car behind them too.

Well, this is fun.

I look at my phone that is securely hooked on my phone holder and tap the screen to turn it on. I go right to my calls and facetime Zayn, knowing he is still at Renascent taking care of some stuff.

Zayn immediately answers the facetime call and I notice he's in his office with Ronan and Olive. They all must be going over some plans for the new items coming in tomorrow.

"Why are you calling me while you're on your bike?" Zayn says worriedly. I ignore what he says and turn down another road before speaking.

"I'm being followed by two black suvs. Check my location and bring back up." I say, making him and everyone around him go serious.

"Take another turn and lean to the side so I can see what they look like." I nod and take another turn to head back towards Renascent.

I make sure to lean down far enough as I turn so that Zayn can see the type of cars that are behind me.

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