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A loud yawn dragged out from Jackson as he rest his head next to my legs while we binge watched Netflix. Jax went out with Kevin and Daniel to run some errands, so mama and Jackson stayed with me. While mama was busy napping, Jackson and I started a random tv show to kill time.

I reached over, grabbing a strawberry from the container in his lap and taking a bite of it. Jackson's eyes were glued to the tv and he looked highly interested. My feet were buried under the blanket with a pillow on top to keep my toes warm. Jackson moved his head to the pillow, stretching then taking a bite into the strawberry he grabbed.

"How long do you think they'll be with the food?" I asked, keeping my eyes on the tv.

"No telling, honestly. Depends how much food they're getting," he replied, running a hand through his hair.

"Think they figured out our living arrangements yet?"

"I would hope so. He's hacked the adults phones so far, it's only a matter of time before he finds out where we're staying," he sighed, looking up at the ceiling. "We're in danger, no matter where we go it seems like."

"Which is what I hate," I mumbled.

"Eventually... we'll find the bastard and get rid of him. Tired of my family being in danger," he grumbled.

I looked at him, humming then sat up to grab another strawberry. Jackson sat up and leaned back against the headboard, sighing. His phone rang and he groaned dramatically before picking it up and answering it.

"What?" He dragged out, tilting his head back.

I shook my head with a chuckle.

"Yeah, she's right here. We're watching tv," he then said, running a hand down his face. "Alright, alright. Goddamn. It's your annoying ass boyfriend."

He handed me the phone and I placed it against my ear, biting into the strawberry.

"Hey, baby," I greeted, smiling.

"Hey," Jax replied. "Did you want any snacks while we're here?"

"Just more fruit is fine," I told him.

"Alright, and I got you a few of these healthy drinks you've been drinking- I forgot what the hell it's called."

"Thank you," I chuckled. "You really didn't have to, babe."

"Yes, I did. Did you take your meds today?"

"The first dosage, yeah."

"Good. We're gonna grab a few more things then we'll be back home, okay?"

"Okay, I love you."

"I love you, too. I'll see you in a bit."

The phone hung up and I handed it back to Jackson. He pulled the strawberries closer to us, stuffing one in his mouth.

Don't worry he took the little leafy part off.

The door slowly opened open and mama peeked inside, smiling.

"Hey, sweetheart. Are you two hungry?" She asked, looking between us.

"I'm a little hungry," I replied. "I can help you cook."

"Didn't I say that you should be resting? What about you, Jackson? You hungry?"

"I'm alright, thanks though," he said, smiling.

Mama nodded her head then walked out, shutting the door again. I leaned back against the pillow with a sigh, glancing at my thigh from under the blanket. It was kind of tingling, but I had already put ointment on it earlier, so I left it alone.

It was still firmly wrapped up, but I wasn't used to it yet. Even after being out of the hospital for a good while, I'm still kind of sore and my migraines feel like they get worse everyday.

Kind of sick of this whole being tracked down by my abusive father situation. I'm ready for him to just... die. As evil as it sounds, that's not the worst thing that could happen to him after everything he's put us all through. Not even just die, he needs to rot in hell.

Until then... we have to wait. This waiting game is tiring as well, but it's all we can do. I'm injured which makes me an easy target, along with Jax. We might just have to stay here until we feel it's not safe anymore. Hotel isn't an option, old place isn't an option, and there's no point of us renting out another place.

God! Everything is just so messed up. If I wouldn't have left, none of this would've happened. I should've just taken the goddamn abuse and not let everybody else be a target.

"Aliya? You okay, you're kind of shaking."

I looked down at my hands, and they were of course, trembling. Taking a deep breath, I rubbed my hands together and nodded my head, looking at Jackson.

"I'm okay. Just... overthinking stuff, but I'm alright," I explained, clearing throat. "D-Do you think... life would be ten times better if I never ran away from him?"

"How could you ask that? Aliya, he was abusing you, constantly and you think life would be better?"

"I-I don't mean for me. I mean for everybody else."

"Honestly? No."


"No, and I'll explain. Your mother would've never gotten the chance to see her daughter again. Jax would probably be fucking anything that walked and eventually I would've been an uncle-"

I choked on air, coughing harshly and patting my chest. Jackson kept his eyes on me and it was visible that he was trying to hold back a laugh.

"Just gonna watch me choke to death?" I rasped, coughing more.

"You look perfectly fine to me," He chuckled, patting my back. "Back to my point, if you don't mind."

"Oh, please continue," I mumbled sarcastically.

"Gladly. Jax also wouldn't have met the love of his life. I wouldn't have the met the best girl in the world either," he said, grinning at me. "You changed our lives, Liya. Whether you see it or not."

"Yeah... changed it for the worst."

"No, for the better. Pushing the crazy dad shit aside, you did us good coming into our lives. No matter what the circumstances were," he said. "You did a lot more than you think."

I hummed quietly, playing with my nails. Looking back at him, I sighed softly then smiled.

"Thanks for that. I needed it," I said, leaning back again.

"No problem. You know I'm always here for you, Aliya."

I rested my head against his shoulder and he brought his arm around my shoulders. Pulling the blanket up more, I covered my whole body and got comfortable in my spot. The show was finally starting to get good right when my stomach growled and I started to get sleepy.

I slept my life away the past few days, so I just fought my sleep for now. If I sleep now, no telling what time I'll wake up later on.

The days just felt so repeated lately. Some were either boring, or some... dealt with my life being in danger. Just a common pattern at this point, and I just want to be able to breathe. I want to feel free without being tracked down like a wanted fugitive.

"Stop overthinking, Aliya," Jackson mumbled, looking at me.

"I wasn't-"

"You were. You had that zoned out look in your eyes, which always happens when you overthink," he said. "Calm down and don't think so much about what's happening."

"I'm trying not to. But it's hard when it's all I can think about," I sighed.

"It'll get better, I promise."

"I sure hope so," I muttered, my eyes slowly closing.

Jackson kissed the top of my head and that's when sleep took over.

i promise there won't be boring chapters for much longer y'all, i'm leading up to the good stuff!

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