An Unexpected Reward and a Much Needed Reunion

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The first years walked out of the examination hall- happy, relieved, ecstatic. They had just finished their History of Magic exam, their last exam for the year. The exams were atrociously difficult in Harry and Ron's opinion as the two boys walked behind Hermione and Lavender.

"I always heard Hogwarts exams were dreadful but I quite enjoyed that" Hermione said happily as Lavender chuckled.

"Speak for yourself" Ron mumbled. The four first years walked to a courtyard near the main castle gate and sat under a big tree.

"We still going to Hagrid's in ten?" Harry asked. They had organised to have lunch with Hagrid to celebrate the end of their exams. The girls nodded and smiled before stopping, noticing Y/N walking passed.

Lavender looked at him with sadness. Hermione with a mournful expression. Harry looked at Y/N and sighed. He missed Y/N, he wanted his friend back.

Y/N had completely isolated himself from everybody. Students were actively avoiding him in the hallways. The anger could be practically felt pouring out of him.

The group had been witness to an incident during the week, between Y/N and Professor McGonagall.


Harry, Lavender and Hermione had finished their Transfiguration exam and were heading to the library to study for Herbology. Ron had ran off with Dean and Seamus because he 'needed a break'. As the three walked down a corridor, they saw Y/N follow Professor McGonagall into an unused classroom. The three students stopped at the doorway, eavesdropping on the conversation being had.

"Do you know why I asked you for this chat Y/N?"

"Should I presume there was a problem with my exam results, Professor?" Y/N replied, emotionless.

"N-No Y/N. I obviously haven't been able to assess your theory exam yet, but you scored full marks on your practical assessment"

"Then I have no clue Professor"

McGonagall sighed as she looked at Y/N, fighting back the emotion she felt.

"Y/N... since you and Ms Granger had your... falling out, I've noticed... all of your teachers have noticed... your mental health seems to be deteriorating Y/N, rapidly. I just think-"

"Have I broken any school rules, Professor?" Y/N asked in the same emotionless way.

"Apart from the incident with Mr Ross from Slytherin house no, but-"

"That matter was dealt with in my subsequent meeting with the Headmaster and Professor Snape. As I told them, Professor, Her-Her... Ms. Granger may not wish to be my friend anymore, but I will still protect her. He called her that word. He's lucky I didn't take something from him permanently. Is there anything else?"

Y/N's voice wavered as he struggled to say Hermione's name before it instantly reverted to it's previous emotionless state. McGonagall looked at Y/N sadly:

"I am worried about you Y/N. We all are"

"I assure you I am fine Professor. I've never needed anyone before and I don't need anyone now. May I please be excused to return to my revision?"

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