Battle in the Chamber

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The two boys walked into the final chamber, and Harry looked forward in shocked. Y/N had been right the whole time. The Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher stood with his back to the boy's, staring into a large mirror.

"Professor Quirrell?" Harry gasped.

"Fucking told you" Y/N snarled as he moved in front of Harry in a protective manner.

Avada Kedavra

Y/N fired off the killing curse- a dark laugh echoing around the chamber as Quirrell stepped to his left.

The curse hit the mirror Quirrell was standing in front of, rebounding back towards the two boys. Y/N shoved Harry hard to the right, jumping to his own left as the curse whizzed past Y/N's ear and cannoned into the wall behind them, causing a small explosion.

Y/N pointed his wand at Quirrell from where he laid on the floor before stopping as Harry grabbed his head and started screaming in agony.

"Harry!" Y/N called, rushing over to his fallen friend. Quirrell turned and sneered at the boys:

"Wands down and over there L/N, or we turn up Harry's pain to eight. He's only sitting on a four right now"

Y/N scowled at Quirrell, throwing his wand across the room. The Professor smiled evilly:

"And the other one L/N!"

Y/N scowled and unsheathed his spare wand, throwing it to the same part of the room. Harry stopped screaming as he tried to slow his hyperventilating, Y/N rubbed his shoulder while glaring at the Professor.

Quirrell stood with his wand pointed at Y/N, smirking. His stuttering persona had completely vanished, replaced with a confident, evil guise. As Y/N continued to glare the Professor spoke:

"Of course you're here. You've suspected me all year haven't you. Every single lesson battering me with your little legilimency attacks. Just like your father, I knew you would be trouble. And you JUST WON'T DIE! No matter how many creatures I release against you".

Y/N scowled as he rose to his feet.

"You... it's your fault I had to kill the troll. I'm gonna rip your fucking heart out your chest".

Y/N took a step forward and Harry started screaming again. Y/N stopped in his tracks and looked back at his agonised friend.

"You understand now boy. How much your dear Harry suffers depends on how cooperative you are".

Y/N looked down as Harry stopped screaming again, muttering to himself


The Professor turned back to look at the mirror, staring into it. Y/N recognised it immediately. It was the Mirror of Erised.

"I see myself holding the Philosopher's Stone but how do I get it out?" Quirrell called out loudly.

"Use the boy" a second voice could be heard from... somewhere within the room, but Y/N couldn't figure out where from.

Quirrell turned, pointing and snapping:

For You I Will #1- The Philosopher's StoneWhere stories live. Discover now