*chapter 10*

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Madi's POV

I saw all the girls starting to call thier parents so i desided to call my dad.

M: Hey dad I have some good news

D: What is it Mad

M: well me and the girls became really good friends with the magcon crew and the girls and I sang at the event and thier manager Bart wants us to join magcon and go on tours be famous and get paid

I said paid because I knew he would say yes to that

D: how long will you be gone 

M: we go on tours and and we are gone for a month at a time and then come home for a month

D: Okay I will miss you but yes

M: okay dad I will see you next month love you

D: Love you to Mad

I gave a tumbs up to the girls "my dad said yes!' I yelled.  "all of our parents said yesss" said Emily.  "lets go tell bart!" Ashley said.  "BART!" we all screamed.  "yes girls" he said. "we can join magcon!!" Taylor said exitedly.  "okay after the event you should tell the boys" Bart said.  "okay" savanna said.  

_______after event_______

Shawn's POV 

I was planning on asking savanna on a date and during dinner I was going to ask her to be my girlfriend. I told Madi that I was so I was looking forward to it.

I know it sounds funny but I think the other boys were planing on that BUT with there girl.

++++++++++ Hotel +++++++++++++++

Savanna: Guys we have bad news 

Taylor: Yeah we do

Emily: We are ................ ( Emily started to FAKE cry )

Madi: started to sniffle

Ashley: went to comfort them


The boys looked shocked!!!

Shawn: What 

Cam: I thought you guys were leaving in a week

Nash: that is what you guys told us 

Madi: Our families are taking us all on a trip to Europe and we have to go!

Matt POV ( Thinking )

I was so shocked what if I never saw Taylor again I think I would probaly die before that happens.

Shawn POV


Shawn: Hey savanna can you come with me 

Savanna: Yeah 

{ they go to the porch }

Shawn: um... Savanna I was wondering if you would go on a date with me. 

Savanna: YES (she said really excited) Where are we going 

Shawn Don't worry Just where something you can jump in 

Savanna: okay.....I will be ready in 10min

Savanna POV

I was really excited when Shawn to go on a date. I came into the girls room luckly the boys went into there room. I told the girls that I was going on a date with Shawn. Taylor asked where are we going and I said IDK. 

I then went to go get ready for my date just wearing something casual.

Shawn and I then pulled into a SKY HIGH. I was super excited.

Taylor's POV

I was on my phone when I heard a knock on the door. I got up and saw it was matt. He asked me if I would come into the hall.

Matt: Hey Taylor 

Taylor: Hey

Matt: would you go on a date with me 

Taylor: NO 

Matt: What? Why?

Taylor: I got YOU! You should have seen your face it was priceless

Matt: so yes

Taylor: YES, where are we going to go 

Matt: We are going to a carnival 

Taylor: okay i will be ready in 10

Matt: okay

I was getting ready for my date when I relized that Matt was in the front with something. I got ready and met him down stairs when I saw a limo. 

Matt: Do you like it

Taylor: yes are you ready to go 

Matt: Yes

we pulled up to a carnival and we started to go on rides.

Emily's POV 

I was in the hall when I saw Hayes' with choclate.

Hayes: Em will you go on a date with me 

Emily: YES

Hayes: Do you want to watch Netflix and get Pizza

Emily: Perfect let me go tell the girls so they aren't worried


I came in and told them then left.

Nikki's POV

I was out on the porch when I heard the door open behind me. I wasn't really paying attetion. Then I relized it was Nash. 

Nash: Hey what are you doing here

Nikki: hi, I was just looking over the lake 

Nash: cool

Nikki: yeah I guess

Nash: I was wondering if you wanted to go on a date with me?

Nikki: Yes I would love too, Where are we going

Nash: we are going to .............. nevermind it will be a suprise

Nikki:come on 

Nash: just where something nice

Nikki: okay

I got ready and met Nash in the lobby. We went to a horse trail. We rode to the top of a hill and then had a pinic over the city.

Ashley's POV

I was on the couch then Cam can in and asked me into the hall.

Cam: Ashley will you go on a date with me 

Ashley: yes where are we going 

Cam: We are going on a pool date 

Ashley:Okay let me go get ready

I got ready then met Cam at a inifinity pool.

Madi's POV 

I was getting bored. All the girls were on dates even EMILY. In the middle of a thought. I heard a knock at the door. It was Jacky G.

Jacky: HEY

Madi: Hi 

Jacky: Want to go on a date 

Madi: sure, where

Jacky: The roof 

Madi: okay 

I got ready then we met on the roof.

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