*chapter 11 *

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Savanna's POV

Shawn pulled into sky high and I started freaking out.

Shawn: Are you okay Savanna??

Savanna: Yeah I just realy love this place I go here with the girls all the time.

Shawn: Okay cool.

Savanna: Lets go! I said dragging him into the building.

Shawn: okay!

Savanna: I have something to tell you Shawn

Shawn: what??

Savanna: wait lets go jumping and I will wait till later

Shawn: okay

~~Savanna and Shawn start to jump~~

*Savanna does a back flip and shawn gets in the way and she lands on his lap*

Shawn: So what did you want to tell me

Savanna: I am NOT leaving the girls and I were doing a late aprils fools prank

Shawn: really ( starting to smile from ear to ear)

Shawn slowly came closer to my face and I felt his lips on mine. He asked me will you be my girlfriend and I said YES and gave him a massive hug.


Taylor's POV

Matt: Taylor do you want to Goliath

Taylor: Yeah sure!

Matt: okay lets go!

Taylor: first I have to tell you something

Matt: okay what is it?

Taylor: Well me and the girls are NOT going home we are joining magcon!!

Matt: OMG this is great Taylor!

Taylor: yeah we were trying to suprise you guys!

Matt started leaning in for a kiss 

Taylor: I don't think so cinammon roll! I said laughing.

Matt: Okay sorry cinammon roll!

Taylor: It's fine I'm just playin'

Matt: Taylor can I ask you something?

Taylor: You just did

Matt: You know what I mean

Taylor: Okay what is it?

Matt: Will you be my girlfriend?

Taylor: Yeah of corse!

Matt: Love ya baby

Taylor: so how about that ride??

Matt: Yeah lets go!


Emily's POV

Hayes' and I had an amazing date we started off by watching a funny movie and we ordered a pizza.

Emily: hayes' I have to tell you something

Hayes': what 

Emily; I am not leaving I am actually joining magcon

Hayes': really awesome

Emily: Let's make popcorn

Hayes': okay

Emily: the movie ended what do u want to watch


Emily: ummmmmm okay

Hayes' and I was watching the movie and one scary part i threw all the popcorn and it wen't every where. 

It was really funny.

It was about 11 and I fell a sleep on Hayes' shoulder and he placed his head on top of mine.


Nikki's POV 

Nash and I went to the horse trail and there was 2 horses one was white and the other was black I called the White one. I followed Nash up to the top of the hill where I saw a pinic blanket set up. We were on top of a hill where we could over look the city. 

Nikki: Nash I have to tell you something 

Nash: What 

Nikki: The girls and I were joking about leaving 

Nash: really 

Nikki: Yes

We were starring into each others eyes when we saw a shooting star go across the sky. 

Nash: Would you be my girlfriend?

Nikki: Yes 


 Ashley's POV

When Cam and I got to the infinity pool we swam. I was starting to get tired when I heard him say Just Keep Swimming which made me grin.

Ashley: Cam The girls and I were joking about next week

Cam: really you guys got us 

Ashley: yeah we did


Madi's POV

Jacky and I were on the roof for our date looking at the stars.

Madi: Jacky you know we were kidding about leaving

Jacky: You guys did (he said laughing)

Madi: yeah

Jacky: Madi will you be my girlfriend

Madi: yes 

He pulled me closer and slowly placed his lips on mine.  


I guess this turned out to be a great day for the girls

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