37. Rains Before Sunrise

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The moon was shining bright tonight and the cool breeze just hit my skin right after I landed on the ground. We, the Karasuno team, had finally returned to Miyagi.

"I miss Tokyo already..." Tanaka and Nishinoya mumbled.

"It hasn't been a minute after you step out from the bus..!" (2nd years)

"Now, now..! Let's keep it quiet, alright? You all have done your best in the training camp, thank you for the hard work, everyone! You may go home and take a long rest. Enjoy your summer break!" Takeda still got the energy to smile at his students who were all exhausted from the long trip.

"Thank you for the hard work!!!" Everyone got really excited for their holiday. Now it was the time to depart from each other and enjoy their summer.

"Kiddo, you should take a very long rest to lift up your spirit again." Ukai suddenly approached me who was rearranging my bag on the ground. Then Takeda-sensei also appeared behind him.

"...out of blue as always, I'm surprised no more. Is there anything you want to tell me too, sensei? I'm still up for a lecture, but please don't go hard on me." I said with an obvious forced smile to anyone who saw it.

"Nekomata-san told me his guilt regarding the accident... The Shinzen Team's coach, too, said that he's very sorry to let an unknown person enter the camp area. And moreover, the both of them offer us one more training in Tokyo as their sincere apology." Takeda brushed the back of his neck awkwardly, didn't know what kind of expression he should use.

"Oh..." After he passed me those coaches' message, I just remained silent to avoid a longer conversation.

"Hey... Isn't that pretty rude? You should have replied to your teacher, Ayazume." Ukai scolded me a little as he sighed while Takeda just seemed nervous in the situation.

"Eh... Then... I apologize for that, sensei... And let's just go to another training there, it'll surely help the team." I lowered my head down to apologize to Takeda.

"..." The situation got awkward once again. I really wished Takeda and Ukai would just leave in no time, but somehow they still stood in their spots, didn't even move a muscle and just continued to give me their worried expressions.

"...the spring tournament's preparation is almost around the time now. It's another sign to train the members. I don't mean to force you to work every time as a coach, but I'm sure your involvement in the training will be a big impact to the team. So please, Ayazume... Just solve yourself out first or else you'll get everyone here worried over you. Besides, these two old men are also available to hear your probs. Stop being so unapproachable either!" Ukai smiled at the end, feeling proud of his own talk.

"Ukai's right. We'll be all ears, Ayazume-san." Takeda finally lifted up his usual bright smile. Their kindness managed to touch my heart, however my expression didn't seem to follow. Without the pills I ate daily, it was impossible for me to control my body action. And it made me feel anger to myself after I found Takeda and Ukai's disappointed faces when they saw my cold expression.

No... No. No.

"... you must be very tired already. Well then, enjoy your breaks, kid." Ukai dropped his smile and turned his back around with Takeda, leaving me in the cold of night.


Why is it difficult to express my emotions?

"..." I lifted up my backpack and turned around to go back home, but then I found Tsukishima and Yamaguchi already standing behind me. They seemed to already wait for me to finish my chat with Ukai and Takeda the whole time.

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