After very, VERY careful consideration and judging, _patches and me have decided upon the winners. It was an extremely hard choice, but we finally came to a conclusion. Thanks so much everyone for participating! We loved all of the entries!
Please remember, that this was a combined ranking system. Me and _patches added up our personal scores of each entry and ranked them. If there was a draw, _patches chose the winner between them. Thanks for your understanding and I'm so sorry if you didn't win. Congratulations to everyone!
(A ✔ next to your entry is just to remind me that you have had your prize(s). A ❌ is to remind me that you haven't.)
In third place, we have... ✔
Pantone_518, I absolutely adore this! The grass and fur texture is gorgeous and the background is amazing!
In second place, we have... ❌
BlackberryCatCrafts, just, oh gosh. I. Am. Speechless. I will probably spam you in pm's.
And in first place, drumroll please... ❌
Art Contests - Follower Special
LosoweMy follower special - Art Contests! Thanks so much guys! I hope you enjoy! Here, you will be able to join many art contests with different themes for all ability levels! There will be prizes for first, second and third place, which include votes, f...