24 - New Years Eve

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*Rikke's POV*

When the clock was about 10 we took off to the party, it wasn't a long drive from their house, so we were there in a few minutes. Outside there were a lot of paparazzi, so Niall took his distance from me and instead Eleanor took my hand and told me to hold my head down if I didn't wanted the whole world to know me. When we came inside she shifted place with Niall and he placed his arm around my waist.

"Ya did that very well babe" he said in my ear and pulled me a little closer before giving me a quick kiss on the cheek.

There were really many people at the party and the boys walked around to say hi to everybody, while they did that I stood together with Danielle and she tried to explain to me who all of them were but we both ended up laughing because I couldn't follow at all.

"Let's get a drink instead" she said and showed me the way to the bar. Of course Louis had paid for it all, so we could get all the alcohol we wanted. She ordered two glasses of sweet champagne and we found a table to sit at. The room was very pretty and it was decorated with a lot of New Year's stuff.

"You don't have to stay with me" I said a little shy, I really wanted her to enjoy the evening and I didn't wanted her to feel like she had to stay around me.

"Oh I know, but I like you and I haven't had the chance to get to know you yet so I guess that could be now" she smiled at me "So if someone's leaving it'll have to be you"

During the next half hour I think she knew me better than I did myself. She had really many questions and it seemed like she found my life very interesting. When she was done telling about herself and I knew just as much about her, Niall came over to us.

"Liam is looking for you" he said to Danielle.

"Well I guess I'm gonna leave you first after all, but I think you're okay with that" she winked at me and walked off.

Niall looked at my empty glass "Want some more?"

I nodded and we went up to the bar. A big screen with a countdown to the new year had been relieved and it showed exactly 58 minutes.

"Another glass of that?" Niall asked and looked at my empty glass.

"Actually I would rather like a beer" I said.

He grinned at me and ordered to large beers. "I wanna show ya some of ma friends" he said with excitement, took my hand and pulled me with him.

"Okay okay, easy tiger, watch out! I don't wanna drop my beer" I laughed.

"This guy is really great, you'll love him" he said.

Lucky for me I had gotten some alcohol so I couldn't feel how nervous I was. Niall waved at some guy who looked a little familiar, but I couldn't remember where I had seen him.

"Hey Nialler" the boy said. He had brown hair and a lot of earrings. He was dressed in some worn jeans, a white shirt and a black tie. He smiled at me "And you must be Rikke? I've heard so much about you, and that's without even being with the boys" he said and leaned forward to give me a hug "I'm Josh, their drummer and... Ehm good friend" he said and winked at Niall.

"Shut up mate, you know we love you" Niall replied and slapped him on the back of his head.

"It's nice to meet you Josh" I said and gave him a smile before I was dragged away by Niall.

"This is one of my friends back home from Ireland, I've known her all my life" Niall said to me, before he turned around to a blond girl "Hey Pammi, this is the girl I told ya about"

She turned around and looked at me with a big smile "Oh it's such a pleasure to meet ya, Niall haven't talked about anything else the last week" she said with a even thicker Irish accent than Niall's.

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