Chapter 9 (3/3): The Tumultuous Conclusion

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"I needed that," Nix was examining the massive paws he called hands. He felt strangely relieved after getting rid of Colton. He took a second to observe their arena. He couldn't see anyone near him. He looked for a sign of Veronica, but he couldn't see her moving from the shadows, as expected.

Recalling their opposition he searched for a small red-haired girl. Jessie, he believed he heard Colt call out. She was nowhere to be found. Nix started to worry about her making it behind him while he was distracted with Colt, opting to make his way back to Poco and Shelly.

"Oi, prat!"

"Prat?" Nix turned around as a black blur punched him square in the jaw. He took a step back, his cheek warm from the blow. He turned to find his attacker but found nothing. "Over here!" Nix turned meeting another deafening blow. "What's wrong?" another shot this time to the back of his knee. Nix fell to a single leg clutching at his aching knee. "You're looking a bit shirty."

Nix was getting frustrated, where did this kid come from? He thought about the people he saw with Colt. A red-haired girl and... "The blond kid-" his thoughts were halted by another shot to the jaw. Nix closed his eyes, focusing on the sounds in the empty arena. He could hear the boy's footsteps.

Just before the boy had reached him, he turned to face the attacker. The kid had long blonde hair and a black leather jacket with some cut jeans. He looked ecstatic as he rushed Nix. Realizing that this was just some child, Nix opted out of a closed fist and chose a backhand. His massive palms lazily swatting him to the side. "Listen, kid, the adults are busy, go play somewhere..." He looked to where he smacked the boy. He was gone again, "...else?"

A strange chill went down his back. He felt small arms wrap around his throat. Their clench like a vise, cutting off his oxygen. "So just cause I'm small you think I'm weak?" Nix strained his eyes to observe his attacker. The boy had a wild smile on his face, "I love proving big brutes like you wrong."

The boy's arms were like a snake tightening around his windpipe. With each second, Nix felt the cells in his brain turning off from a lack of oxygen. In desperation he palmed the boy's skull, ripping him off his shoulders.

Tyler did a few mid-air turns landing like an Olympic gymnast. Nix took some deep breaths, huffing as he observed the boy. The kid was shadowboxing in front of Nix. If it wasn't before, now his blood was boiling. Nix stood tall above the boy, "I don't wanna hurt ya kid. But if you try some shit like that again, I will break you."

"Yeah, yeah. I've heard this song and dance a thousand times. 'A little kid like you might be tough for your age but you could never beat an adult.'" He said in a gruff voice. "Well, I have never met a guy that I can't beat." Tyler chuckled with that last statement. He wasn't lying, he had never met a 'guy' that he couldn't beat, remembering the masked woman.

"Maybe you're right, you got a pretty good grip. But tell me," Nix brought both of his arms up above his head. The lights behind him covered by his massive frame, he was a giant shadow looming over Tyler. "Have you fought a man like me?"

Tyler gulped, a bead of sweat inching down his forehead. "No..." he muttered. He let out a shaky breath, smiling up at him, "But I've seen hundreds of hard cunts."

Nix dropped his intimidation tactic, "The hell did you just call me?"

Tyler smirked, he had him, "Listen I've been fighting with a disadvantage my whole life. But I love old school stories about small people beating larger opponents. Can ya guess my favorite?"

"Let me guess, David and Goliath?"

"Ding ding ding, somebody get this man an award. The big daft bastard actually got a question right."

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