Chapter 10 (2/2): Dastardly Dunes

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As the hulking monstrosity burled down the empty road, Colt's team stood slack jaw in awe at his impressive speed. With a sputtering gasp, Colt snapped, "AFTER THEM!" The three began their heated chase through the seemingly dead town. The cold air cut through their lungs as they pursued the giant. Colt and Jessie could see him getting further away as they tried to catch up. "Tyler!"

"On it!" Tyler started to pick up the pace leaving Colt and Jessie behind him. As Tyler drew closer, he could hear Nix's voice. Mutters and disgruntled blurts as he tried to gain ground. Though what Tyler focused in on was the panting of his breath. He was a strong beast of a man, but even he was having issues running with that much extra weight.

As Tyler got closer, he started to squint his eyes less lose his vision from the dust cloud. He was working from sound rather than sight. Nix's thunderous steps guiding his feet as he reached out. Just before he could grab Nix the dust cloud suddenly disappeared along with him.

He looked around for a sign of the monster. A dust cloud leaking from a nearby alleyway he passed. Tyler ran blindly into the alley. Just as he turned the corner his face was bashed in by a metal object.

Nix was waiting behind the corner with a stop sign in hand. Nix watched as Tyler laid motionless on the ground. Veronica and Poco crept up from behind checking the child. "Is he dead?" Poco whispered.

Veronica leaned down putting an ear to his chest, a faint heartbeat pulsing from within. She gave a thumbs-up to clear his condition. "Tough little bastard," Nix opinioned. They would have done something with the unconscious body, but the sound of approaching footsteps forced their retreat.

Jessie was the first to see Tyler laying limp on the floor. She dove to her knees to check on him. She could hear the faint sound of his heart beating from his chest, a faint sigh of relief escaping hers.

"Is he okay?"

Jessie saw her brother with both guns at the ready scanning the vicinity. "Relax," she pointed down the alley at a dying dust cloud. Colt dropped his guard sitting down beside Jessie. He watched as Jessie began opening a panel on her rifle. Pulling out two wires of similar colors, a faint electric charge jumping between them.

Jessie placed one of the wires down against the rifle, licking her finger and putting a faint strand of saliva on Tyler's cheek. The wire connecting with the liquid jolting Tyler back to life.

"Gah! No Grumma I don't want any more crumpets, get the TEA!" As Tyler adjusted to his surroundings, he blushed at his outburst opting to push past the statement than dwell on it. "Ummm, what did I miss?"

"I dunno wanna ask your grumma?" Jessie teased. Tyler sulked at his embarrassing outburst.

"Alright as much as I love messing with Tyler as the next guy..." he pointed toward the dissipating dust, "We need to move."

Ahead of team Colt, The Bandits had found a jeep unattended on the street corner. Poco and Sam were currently laying in the back with Shelly upfront. Nix was outside the front door helping Veronica hot-wire the car. Alarms were blaring from a car beside them.

"Which do we twist together?!"

"Battery... wires" Sam continued his instructions from the backseat, scolding them for their mistakes. The sounds of the obnoxious alarms only adding to the already volatile moods of The Bandits. The eventual sounds of the engine spurring to life shined a grateful light on the dark aura surrounding the group.

As they started their miniature celebration the sounds and sights of gunshots peppering the flank of the jeep ruined their victory. "DRIVE!" Nix shouted as Veronica started hitting the gas. Nix grabbed the back of the jeep hopping into the backseat beside Sam and Poco. He noticed a distraught look on Sam's face but took it as being normal with their current situation. Besides, it would change once he saw them making their grand escape.

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