Her 2

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Hey, it's me again... idk if u remember me or not but I really miss u, miss every detail, your smile, your eyes, the way u look at me, your features, everything But I can't forget the last thing u did, the way u left me alone, I was lost, I said that I can move on u, I tried for weeks, months and guess what? After 1 hour and 7 minutes it will be a year since u left me, I'm living on the memories now, I can't face my reality, I can't be with my friends, yeah I go here and there but I am not with them, u took my brain my heart my soul with u, I love u and I hate u, I love for everything u gave to me, and I don't hate for leaving me alone ... but for making me love u like this

Secret thoughts -الافكار السريةحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن