Hey, it's me again... idk if u remember me or not but I really miss u, miss every detail, your smile, your eyes, the way u look at me, your features, everything But I can't forget the last thing u did, the way u left me alone, I was lost, I said that I can move on u, I tried for weeks, months and guess what? After 1 hour and 7 minutes it will be a year since u left me, I'm living on the memories now, I can't face my reality, I can't be with my friends, yeah I go here and there but I am not with them, u took my brain my heart my soul with u, I love u and I hate u, I love for everything u gave to me, and I don't hate for leaving me alone ... but for making me love u like this
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Secret thoughts -الافكار السرية
De TodoEveryone has his own thoughts, which differs from a person to another, but all of us keep some of this thoughts as secrets, maybe we are we don't need anyone to know how we think or we don't know how to express these thoughts, but finally I got the...