✨Let The Games Begin✨

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Amber's POV

I got up and went to the tent that was destined to be a kitchen / dining place.

"Good morning" , I singsonged.

Chase got up to kiss me but I ducked and pretended to have not seen him.

Layla had an approving look on and I nodded.

I went towards to mini fridge and got some pink lemons that Flora had brought.

Never thought I'd say that.

Anyways , I started squeezing them to make some pink lemonade and the colour was hot pink but would also revert to baby pink some times , I guess that even fruit have cool aesthetic.
I added water and sat down , I had no other choice but to sit next to Chase luckily Layla was right next to him. Luna meanwhile was talking to Flora about her favourite plants , their benefits etc...

I tasted the lemonade and didn't even have to add sugar it was naturally sweet.

"Can I taste" , asked my cousin.

"Sure here" , I said giving her a taste.

"That was exactly the boost I needed I feel like I'm ready to take on the world"

"Me too and the competition too"

I then felt something touching me and I knew exact who it was so I did not pay no mind about it.

"Can I also taste"

"The lemons are in the fridge".

"Guys she spoke to me" , he said excitedly.

I scoffed again , I was mad at him but could not turn a blind eye at his funny joke.

"Look I even made my Berry smile" , he said touching my chin.

I slapped his hand away angrily, I was so pissed, he thought that I would simply forgive like that and who told him that he could touch me.

"Listen I just replied , doesn't mean that I forgive you I was smiling because of something Layla said don't get any ideas"

There was a silence for a sec.

"At least you talked to me"

No one could stop themselves from laughing it was so childish of him.

"Let's go dress up for the comp" , I suggested.

Luna , Layla , Bloom and I then headed to our room.

"So I did some shopping and found a couple of bodysuits for the competition"

I waved my hand and Bloom had her pink and blue suit , Luna glittery purple and dark blue and for Layla green khaki.

"How you like that" , I asked.

"I love it" , said Luna.

"I have to go see the others happy that you like them"

I went towards Flora , Stella , Roxy and Musa's tent and gifted them their present in secret.

They were freaking out.

I laughed as I entered the room and they all realised how funny they had looked.

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