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The car ride was silent, but a peaceful silent. Surprisingly it wasn't as awkward as I thought it would be.

We pull up to the club and I see the neon pink sign thats says, "Parkers Club". Its a run down building, but you can't judge the outside, it whats on the inside right? And the inside is where we plan to be. I feel a wave of excitement pass through me. I can't wait to get my groove on.

I've been too uptight. I need to get a little loose a little. You only have one life. I need to live it to the fullest.

Technicality we aren't supposed to be in the club because we are underage and all seventeen. But Derek's cousin, Parker, owns the club and we have fake Id's Alison made us in eleveth grade. So we're safe. Ashton on the otherhand has no fake ID that I know about. I srunch my eyebrows in confusion.

" are you going to get in." He turns around in his seat to look at me. Something flashed in his eyes. It was too quick to make out what it was.

"I'm gonna open the door. And walk in." He said to me slowly. As if talking to a child. I raised an eyebrow.
"I hope you fall on your way Mr.Sarcastic." I smile sweetly hiding my annoyed expression.

As we all get out I examine what Alison's wearing since the boys didn't give us a chance. They just pushed us in the car and we were off.

She had her blonde hair curled to perfection. She was sporting a smokey eye like me, to make her blue eyes really pop. She had purple lip stick to match her mini purple dress while she had a black purse and heels.

"You look fabulous" I squeeled. Meaning every word I said.

"You look so hot, them boys don't know whats coming." she practicality all but yelled.
I giggle only to be enterupted by a clearing of the throat.

"If you ladys are done now I'd like to go in"
Ashton said with narrowed eyes in my direction. What did I do?

Geez what crawled up his ass. He has a severe case of mood swings. I wonder if men get a unknown period. Like satan doesn't grace them with his fountain of blood between their legs, but there's always that time of the month where a guy is just moody.

I gave him a glare and hooked the crook of my elbow with Alisons before making my way in. The sound of our heels clicked on the pavement announcing our arrival. We passed the unpatient party goers standing in line to get to the bouncer. The bouncer looked muscler and fit. He had blonde, wavy, short hair and dark blue eyes. And the perfect amount of sun has tanned his beautiful golden skin. He reminds me of a surfer guy.

Before I even got my ID out Derek showed his. The bouncer raised his eyebrows.
"You're Parkers nephew right?" As the bouncer spoke, I couldn't help but notice the look he was giving Derek. He looked like he hasn't eaten in months and wanted Derek to be his next meal. Wait. Is he gay? Why is all the cute guys gay. No fair.
Derek noticed the look he was giving and was soon into a full on flirt mode.

"Indeed I am. When do you get off work? I'd like to buy you a drink." A smile crept up on Mr. Cuties face. He looked so happy that I couldn't help but smile.

"Lucky for you. You won't have to wait long. My shift is over now." he says right as another bouncer walks up and stands in Mr.Cuties place.

Mr.Cutie open the clubs door. "After you" he said holding the door for us.

We all murmered thank you walking in.

The pounding music greeted me. I looked around to see people dancing. Well if you call it that. Its more like rubbing their bodys together.

Most were drunk. There was the occasional assigned driver who was drinking non-alcoholic beverages minding there own business. But other than staying clear of them we were good to go.

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