| Chapter 1: A Suprise? |

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Sean's POV:

I sat on my bed thinking of what to do today. You'd think me, the prince, would be busy with stuff in the castle. But really I don't have much to do. Even if I wanted to spend time with my Dad, he's always busy with kingdom. Never really spends a lot of time with me. Even after Mom was murdered... he still never gave me the time I wanted with him.


I then hear the door swing open to see Hailey, one of the servants in the castle, is at the door. She greeted me with a warm smile. Me and Hailey are actually really good friends. It's weird to think that a prince would be friends with your servants, but everyone in the castle are my friends to me.

Hailey: "Hey Sean, I've come to inform you that lunch is ready."

Sean: "I'll be there in a second."

Hailey: "Alright, after your done with your lunch your father says he'd like to speak with you."

Sean: "What for?"

Hailey: "I don't know. He says it's a surprise."

Sean: "Okay..."

Hailey walks out of the room closing the door. I got up from my bed and start wondering what my father's "surprise" is. I walk out of my room and head to the dining room. I step down the grand staircase that are in the center of the castle. Once I've mad down the stairs I walk in the hall which leads to the dining room passing other doors of rooms. I approach the doors in front of me opening them and step inside the dining room. I look at the long table to see a plate with steak and some salad on the side. Luke and Lia must've made this for me. Luke and Lia are two of our chefs in the castle. They are friends of mine too. They usual are the ones who cook my food.

I sit down at at the table and start eating my lunch. I start to wonder again of the surprise my dad has for me. I doubt it's him finally having some free time with his son. I wish I could spend some time with him, but he's always busy.

~ ~ ~

I finished eating my lunch and I'm now heading to my Dad's bedroom. He mainly spends his days in there doing royale work. As I'm walking I hear fighting going on in the knight room next to me. The knight room is where all the knights would train or armor up if anything. I walk towards the doors leaning the side of my head on the door. I hear swords being fought with and laughter. I open the door to see Jake and Milly are the ones fighting, but training rather than fighting.

Milly: "You can not defeat me, Sir Knight Jake!"

Jake: "We'll see about that, Madam Knight Milly!"

Suddenly Milly crouched quickly to the ground swinging her leg over Jake's legs making him fall to the ground. He lands his back on the ground dropping the sword that had been in his hands. Milly stands back up with a victories smile.

Milly: "You we're saying Jake?"

Jake: "Ha ha very funny..."

She lets out her hand signaling for Jake to take hold. Jake sits up taking hold of Milly's hand while she helps him up. I start to clap in amazement of that incredible win of Milly's. They both turn their heads towards me smiling.

Milly: "Hey Sean! Did you enjoy me winning by our head knight Jake?"

Jake rolls his eyes playfully at Milly.

Sean: "It was an amazing "out of no where" win."

Milly: "I am the best knight out of them all."

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