| Chapter 2: The Ball |

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Sean's POV:

It had been 20 minutes since the Ball had started. I was just chilling there, leaning my back on the wall. Thankfully no girls had rushed towards me yet trying to flirt with me. My Dad as I expected had gone off talking with his guests. I saw Luke and Lia at the buffet table. I decide to go over to them and ask what they were talking about.

Sean: "Hey guys what are you talking about?"

Luke: "Oh hey Sean, we're just showing each other the different kind of food dishes we made."

Sean: "Like what?"

Lia: "Well this bowl of tomato soup was made by me. I may have added a bit of spice to it."

Luke: "And this salad bowl is made by me."

I look at each of their dishes and they look delicious.

Sean: "They both look really delicious!"

Lia: "Thank you."

Sean: "I love your outfits by the way."

Lia was wearing a black and white dress with a white and red strap on it. She had white bots on and even had a black mask on her face.

Sean: "What's with the mask Lia?"

Lia: "Me and Jake decided to both wear masks."

Then my eyes turn to Luke to see him wearing a brown tuxedo, gray pants, and black boots. On top of his head was a black and red top hat.

Luke: "Has your Father told you your surprise yet?"

Sean: "No not yet."

Luke: "Oh, I wonder what it is."

The more I wait for this big surprise. The more I start to worry if it's something bad. But I can't just think of it being something bad right away.

Lia: "Umm Sean... I think those girls are looking at you..."

I see her looking behind me and turn my head to see two girls looking at me.

"Oh boy..."

Sean: "Maybe they are looking at the food hehehe..."

I awkwardly smile hoping the girls aren't look at me. I don't need to worry about girls right now.

Hannah: "Oh my god! It's the prince!"

Lia: "I think it's time for you to run."

Sean: "Yup! I'll catch up with you guys later!

I start running hearing the girls footsteps behind me, screaming my name. There's really no place to hide from these fan girls of mine. So I'm stuck running until they get tired.

Julia: "Prince Sean! Come back!"

"Why me!"

After a while of running I stop to take a breath. I keep huffing and puffing hoping the girls had given up. But to my surprise I can still hear them coming.

Jake: "Sean? Are you okay?"

I look in front of me to see Jake. Before I can say anything the girls are already behind me.

Julia: "Prince Sean have you found anyone yet, I know I'd make a good girlfriend for you."

Hannah: "No I would!"

I didn't know what to say. I turn my head around to see anything I can do to get out of this situation but I only see Jake with a awkward look.

"Wait a minute... Jake!"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27, 2022 ⏰

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