6.) Mr. Malik

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Brenna's P.O.V

All through out class me and Niall were staring at each other. He kept making faces at me that would make me giggle. He would mimic everything Mr.Malik would say and it was hilarious.

"Wow, I never thought that the tragic story of Icarus was so funny, but while looking at you two, Ms. Lee and Mr. Horan, I would think that the historic story was a comedy." Mr. Malik said very frustrated with our activities

"Sorry Mr. Malik. It was just-"

"there's no excuse for it Mr. Horan so save your breath and please go to the back of the classroom." Mr. Malik cut him off and gave him a punishment. I started giggling thinking that I was okay, but he came back to give me the consequences to.

"What are you snickering about Ms.Lee? There will be punishment for you as well. I will see you after class."

He gave me a smirk and his eyes turned another shade darker then his chestnut brown. There seemed to be another motion that was hidden behind them that I couldn't explain. We'll just have to see when class is over.

While Mr. Malik was teaching I couldn't help but check out his features. He also had a quiff but his was dark brown. His eyes are the most beautiful shade of golden brown that I have ever seen. His lips were slick and pink as he speak the words of Icarus' father and the grief behind them. He teaches with so much emotion that you can tell that he enjoyed himself. His hands were large and I could just fill them running up my thighs and his long fingers teasing me where I needed him the most.

I shut my thighs together as I was starting to feel the heat and desperation building up between them. As I looked in the eyes of Mr. Malik I can tell that he knew what I was thinking. But what he didn't know what was to come after class.

---------40mins of class later-----------

"Alright take this book and read from page 1 to 49 tonight. Your homework is to write a three page essay on how you feel about the decisions of icarus. I want to feel emotion. I want to feel passion. I want your feelings to come out in this essay. it will be due on Wednesday."

I sat in my seat as I waited for everyone to leave the classroom. Niall came up to me and he gave me this sad and look. "Hey what's wrong." I asked him, but he just shook his head and left. Wonder what that was about.

"Your not very hard to figure out Ms.Lee. I can feel the way your eyes look at me. I can hear your breath waver when every im near you. I tell what your eyes tell me baby." Mr. Malik says as he circles around checking me out as if I was one of the essays on his desk that he was grading. But I had a feeling I was going to be on his desk regardless.

"Then tell me Mr. Malik. What do my eyes tell you." I say with the confidence I didn't know I had.

"Your eyes says that you want me to bend you over on my desk and show you a real tragic story."
Wow ok well ZaYN that's what you could call special help. Anyway my sexy vixens how are you. That's great. I did a double update. Thank you for sticking my me and supporting me.

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