Chapter 8 - Concerts with Friends

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As morning broke that Friday, Kyoko woke up to an odd sensation. As her mind became more lucid, she realized it was Makoto spooning her. It brought a smile to her face when she came to this realization. She did, however, feel something odd poking her butt. That can't be his...can it??? Oh my...She decided to turn and face Makoto to dispel the awkwardness. He looked so cute when he was sleeping, she thought to herself. She didn't want to wake him up, but it felt weird just staring at him without him knowing. She decided to run her hand through his hair gently to wake him.

"Morning, sleepy head." she said to him.

"Huh?" Makoto murmured as he slowly opened his eyes. "Oh, good morning."

"How'd you sleep?"

"Pretty good." Makoto yawned. "How about you?"

"I think it was the best I've ever slept." Kyoko smiled.

"That's great to hear." Makoto smiled back at her.

Kyoko leaned in to embrace Makoto who naturally returned the embrace. Just holding him, Kyoko felt a warmness in her heart that she never felt before. Maybe once when she was young, but that was so long ago. It didn't matter now. All she could do is think about Makoto and all she had to look forward to with him. Meanwhile, Makoto felt an unfamiliar comfort that he found so welcoming with Kyoko. It was something he had never experienced with Sayaka, and gave him more reason to put her behind him.

"I feel like doing nothing today." Makoto giggled.

"Ha, we can lay her for a bit but we can't rest on our laurels too long." Kyoko replied.

"That's fine, I suppose." Makoto said sarcastically.

"Hush you." Kyoko said as she pulled in for a kiss. Makoto was more than happy to oblige.

The two ended up cuddling for a couple hours. To Kyoko's surprise, Makoto fell back asleep. The clock drew towards 11 and she decided she had enough time in bed.

"Come on you, it's about time we got out of bed." Kyoko said, nudging Makoto.

"Aw, party pooper." Makoto said groggily.

Kyoko got up out of bed and turned to pull Makoto out of bed. He let out a yelp as she pulled him out of the bed and down onto the floor. Kyoko couldn't help but laugh, and Makoto could only shake his head as he got himself up. Makoto left Kyoko's room to get himself dressed. He peeked into the hallway to make sure no one saw him come out of her room. Once he knew the coast was clear, he made a quick dash for his room. Inside, he threw on his usual outfit of jeans, a t-shirt, and green and red hoodie.

Makoto came out of his room to find Kyoko outside of hers wearing the light blue jeans and beige sweater that she bought yesterday. It wasn't until this moment that Makoto was really stunned by Kyoko's beauty. He had always thought she was beautiful, but never thought of it in the romantic sense until now.

"Well, should we get some brunch from the cafeteria?" Kyoko asked him.

"Yeah, though at this point I'll probably just have straight up lunch." Makoto said as he walked towards her.

"I'm not sure what I'll eat, but I know I need some coffee at least."

"Ha, you and your coffee."

"Hey, you'll be a coffee addict too one day. Might as well start now." Kyoko said, giving him a playful nudge.

"I'm going to be doing everything in my power to avoid that." Makoto laughed. Kyoko couldn't help but join his laughter.

The two made their way into the cafeteria where they decided to have pancakes for their brunch. The two sat down next to a window so that they could gaze out to the fall afternoon. After a few minutes of silent eating, Kyoko began to conversate.

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