A Dream

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It was a changed reality, a reality in which she was near yet far away from me. I was lost like I am today, in the sense that I was still searching for my part who completed me. 

I was in a garden, as far as my gaze reached, only flowers and green leaves filled the surrounding. The scent of different kinds of flowers filled the air. Far away, I was able to see a pathway, which was engulfed in darkness. I had nowhere to go. I wanted to stay there but something inside told me, this is not your destination.

Soon, I was heading towards the path which apparently lead nowhere.  As I went deeper into the pathway, the scent of the flowers started vanishing. The shade of the trees was replaced with complete darkness and that too was replaced with rays of the sunlight again which was enough to make the surroundings visible again but not enough to heat them up. An arch-shaped green-colored bench was rooted in the soil as I entered an empty field. A girl was sitting in a pink-colored suit salwar, her back towards me.  I didn't see her clearly but still, I haven't been more clearer than ever about her. The thought didn't even surface in my mind how can she be here?  The reality was changed and I didn't ask the legitimacy of that reality. Did I have the option to reject what was right in front of my me?

I immediately took my eyes to glance at her. She was upset. It could be clearly seen from her face. She turned her face to the other side as I confronted her. She didn't want to talk to me. 

Her hands were folded. There were creases on her forehead, she was not being herself.

Her thick hairs were combed from backward with the catcher holding up most of the part. I was seeing her after a very long time.

"What are you doing here?

"You go away, let me live my life." the nature of the words was in sync with the expression on her face.

"Come back", I urged like a mother would urge her child to return home after hours of being outside.

"I don't know you. You are a stranger to me.", every word of her was acting like an arrow being pierced into my heart. I knew it was all my mistake. I was getting the punishment for my own deeds.

"I won't let you stay here.", I tried to get a hold of her hand. As my hand reached hers, she shook it away in a reflex.

Nothing was changed. She was still giving the same cold responses after all these weeks or maybe months. I feared maybe I'd lost her forever.

"Come back home. It's enough now. You don't have to stay here longer." I still persuaded her.

"I don't have a home here. My home is far away from here. You worry about your own business." Every word coming from her mouth was dipped in the final stage of rudeness.

"Don't be this rude to me. Come back. I am waiting for you. I can wait for you forever." You just come to me, we will talk." The words were coming out from a weeping heart. There was deep silence in the surrounding. The sun was watching over us.

"You have lost me long ago. You mean nothing to me now. Just stop talking to me khuda ke liye (for God's sake). Don't keep me in regrets anymore." The sweat on her forehead was moving downwards only to be stopped by the eyebrows which were beautifying her eyes like anything.

"I will still wait for you. If whatever we have shared was real then you will have to come one day." I shook my head while saying all of it out.

"Right now, I won't leave you here alone." I grabbed her hand and pulled her with me. After struggling for a few seconds to get out of my hold, she finally submitted. We passed through the garden. I kept my head low, ignoring the beautiful details of nature's beauty, with only one thought in mind, come back home.

                                                                                                                                   to be  continued

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⏰ Last updated: May 02, 2023 ⏰

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