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I couldn't help but enjoy jasper's company.  I don't know why but being around him was calming.  But that didn't last long as lunchtime came along Bella was quick to drag me away from him. But as she did I could feel him staring at me but when I looked back he was gone.

"Bella what the hell I was having a conversation" I yank my hand away from Bella. she stops and stares at me before grabbing my wrist and leading me to the cafeteria. as we enter the cafeteria I couldn't help but start to get annoyed.

"Bella over here" a girl shouted Bella went and sat down I followed her reluctantly I instantly began to tune them out they were getting on my nerves.

"and the little one her name is Alice she is like really weird and that one behind her that looks like he's in pain that's jasper" one of the girls I think her name was Jessica said. I look at her annoyed and roll my eyes " what gives you the right to judge them" I look Jessica dead in the eyes "well I'm just being honest plus they like don't talk to anyone" "okay and what does that have to do with anything you don't know jack shit about them but you sit here and judge them goddamn are you that insecure or do you have nothing better to do with you life but be a two-faced bitch that doesn't know when to shut the fuck up, But if you are insecure I can understand why I mean look at you you look like a basic bitch haha" I couldn't help but laugh Bella glared at me " you know Bella you're starting to piss me off so before you start barking like a chihuahua I'm leaving" I stood up from the table and left the cafeteria. 


I couldn't help but stare at him as he walked away no one ever stood up for them everyone that heard what said was shocked 


I sighed I was finally out of that horrid place I knew if I stayed another minute it would most likely end with someone in the hospital and me in the back of a police car. I couldn't calm down what gave her the right to say that shit who did she think she was. A wannabe thats for damn sure. People like her just really get under my skin. I tried to slow down my breathing I couldn't stop thinking about it. I needed to get home and take my meds.

"LIAM" I shot up from my position on the couch. I look at who had yelled my name it was Bella "what the hell was that seriously are you trying to make my life a living hell" I stare at her in confusion " DONT LOOK AT ME LIKE THAT THAT WAS SO EMBARRASSING DO YOU EVEN CARE WHAT THEY SAID WHEN YOU LEFT"  Bella screamed at the top of her lungs. I stood up and looked at Bella " what did you want me to do sit there and let her bad mouth my friends" Bella rolled her eyes "oh my god Liam they arent your friends they don't even know you you barely met them" " oh my god your self why the fuck are you getting mad at me for insulting that girl then you barley know her" "its different Liam" REALLY HOW IS IT DIFFERENT BELLA TELL ME COME ON SAY IT" I give her a daring look "BECAUSE AT LEAST MY FRIENDSHIP WILL LAST YOURS WON'T THE MINUTE THEY SEE HOW YOU GET IT WILL BE LIKE HOW IT WAS AT OUR OLD SCHOOL AND ILL BE LEFT HAVING TO CLEAN UP  THE MESS GOD JUST STAY THE HELL AWAY FROM THEM  AND KEEP YOUR MOUTH SHUT"  oh my fuckin god " YOU BITCH SHUT THE FUCK UP YOU SELF CENTERED CUNT" next thing I knew I  destroyed the living room I was so pissed off.

I sat at my window my legs dangling out of it downstairs I could hear the muffled talking of my dad. My dad came home to quite the scene I had managed to trash the whole living room I broke the tv and also put holes in the wall I looked down at my hand it was broken but I wasn't going to tell my dad or Bella.

My hand throbbed in pain the next day the damage to the living room from my outburst was cleaned up but still noticeable I refused to sit in a truck with Bella so I left early and walked to school I sat in my first-period class waiting for it to start and thankfully it started soon.

" Hey Liam" I couldn't help but smile "hey pixie"  Alice smiled at me and laughed "so jasper told me you didn't show up to the rest of your classes yesterday" she had a small frown on her face when she said that it was almost as if she had already known what happened yesterday I decided to ignore it "yeah I wasn't feeling too well at lunch so I just went home"

the rest of class went well me and pixie talked quietly the whole time, but the pain in my hand was getting too much for me I didn't want to have to explain how I hurt my hand to Alice or Jasper. I didn't what them to think differently of me not when they are the first friends I've had in a long time.

Second period seemed to drag on the pain in my hand was too much. Jasper looked over at me and reached out touching my hand I flinched away and let out a hiss of pain. Jasper suddenly stood up and grabbed my upper arm and pulled me out of the class he grabbed my forearm and began inspecting my hand.

"it's broken" Jasper looked at me with a questioning look. I turned my head away from him and I began to feel guilty for what I had done. Jasper began to lead me out of the school and to a jeep. he unlocked it and helped me inside before getting in himself " so how did you break your hand Alice told me that something was wrong with your hand since first and judging by how swollen it is I  would say it happened sometime yesterday" froze in my seat "its not really any of your business" "actually it kind of is"  my head snapped in his direction I began to get pissed off by what he said who the fuck was he to butt into my business. suddenly a feeling of calmness rushed over me my anger seem to be forgotten.

Anger issues (Jasper Hale x male OC)Where stories live. Discover now