bad day

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"hey babe, welcome back, how was the mission!" i was baking cookies when bucky had just returned from a mission. "fine" bucky said in a low angry tone and walked into the bathroom to take a shower. bucky rarely brings his emotions home, whenever something bothered him he would never let me know to prevent me from worrying, but when he does, it means that he had a really bad day. i took a deep breath and placed the cookies in oven before heading into our room.
bucky came out of the shower with his hair still wet and saw me sitting on the bed reading a book. he sat down beside me and rubbed my hands with his thumb, "I'm sorry doll, i didn't mean to take it out on you, what happened today wasn't your fault." he said, looking at our hands not making eye contact with me. "hey, look at me, don't worry about it kay? i don't expect you to come home happy all the time! you're gonna have your bad days at times which will affect your emotions and that's totally fine! i love u no matter how you feel!" i reassured him while cupping his face in my hands. "thanks doll, i love you so much, I don't know what I did to even deserve you" he said with a small smile. "well, you just don't know how much you truly deserve!" i replied while giving him a peck on the lips. "i baked cookies when you were away, so why don't we eat that and watch a movie! sounds good?!" i asked hoping it would help him take his mind off today. "sounds perfect!" he smiled and gave me another kiss.

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