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"get away from me chase, don't you dare come near me" you basically yelled at your boyfriend, well ex boyfriend, you were about to take a shower when you caught him making out with one of the agents in the locker room. "baby come on, it meant nothing I swear, i love you" he grabbed your wrist to stop you from walking away. "BULLSHIT!" you basically yelled at him with tears in your eyes. you snatched your wrist way from him and walked into the compound while crying. "hey doll, there you are i was looking all over for yo-.." your best friend bucky had been waiting all day for you to come back from training so you guys could finish your star wars marathon. you quickly wiped your tears away and smiled at him "sorry i got caught up with training-.." but just before you could finish your sentence, you were cut off by bucky cupping your face with both of his hands. "what happened, what- why are you crying, who did this" he said in a fierce tone as he tilted your head up and forced you to look at him. "nothing, im okay" you replied, trying to give a convincing smile which obviously failed miserably. before he could even ask another question, chase stormed into the room "Y/N it wasn't like that- what the fk" he said as he stood right infront of me with bucky's hands still grabbing my face. i was afraid bucky was going to be confused on why chase said that but he somehow seemed to read my mind just by looking into my eyes. the next thing I know, all bucky said was "you, you did this" and his metal arm was wrapped around chase's throat. as much as i hated chase right at that moment, i couldn't let bucky kill him, so I grabbed his arm and immediately felt his tense body ease up a little.
"please don't, i just want to get out of here." i begged him hoping he would listen. he gave a slight nod and released chase, causing him to fall to the ground. bucky grabbed my hand and brought me into his room, immediately pulling me into his chest and stroking my hair. "thank you" i sobbed into his chest with my hands wrapped around his waist and his chin rested on my head. "for what?" he said confused while tilting his head down to look at me. "for always taking care of me" I looked up at him and gave him a small smile. "I'll do it again, on any planet" he smiled back and kissed the top of my head.

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