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Welcome to the dumbest and probably cringiest thing I will ever write. It is six in the goddamn morning. I'm running on fumes. And then my brain says "hey, let's make a kingkaard shipfic that's not a shipfic and just really fucking stupid."

Prepare yourselves. This shit throws canon off the top of Everest and into the Mariana fucking Trench. No I do not take criticism, this is insomnia brain speaking. Also, there is no way in the many layers of hell I am writing Rouxls with his canon speech pattern. If I can't write English half the time at this hour, I sure as shit can't write whatever abomination of accents that is.

There will be two instances of interaction regarding the ship in question because this is more of a show of my made up history of the first deltarune dark world. And also a little bit of gay. Because that's how my brain rolls, it runs on gay and angst. And you're getting both of it.

I literally cannot stress how long the headcanon list is for this damn thing, so I'm not writing it. I usually don't do this, but you're on your own in figuring out the inner machinations of my weird ass mind. Also if you catch onto the hints of this one cursed af headcanon please don't comment on it, even I hate to admit that fucking thing exists and has influenced other creations of unholy.

Yippee-kai-yay, I got through your warning. Have fun. It's random as shit. I don't know what I'm doing with my life. Welcome to hell motherfuckers.

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