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Author pov,

     Sam and siv both are in their respective places and share all things what they do to their mom's ,sam sleep her mother's lap and siv sleep her mother's lap.

On next day morning

      Siv woke up at 6 in the morning and did her morning routines. She had her coffee and texted him a good morning. Sivu finish her minimal makeup and hair do ,she just perfect in herself and had her breakfast. At 8.30am she move to college deepika is the one who drop her at college she also got ready. They drive to college. Meanwhile in Sam's house he also woke up at 6.30 and do his workout for a while ,did his morning routines and had his brunch mad his way to clg .

     Sam check his mobile wether any messages are there he see her good morning this time also didn't replied to her because there was something hiting is mind don't reply to her , don't see her, just ignore her this things are hitting him . He reached college by his bike he reached early so waiting for his friends in canteen at that time sivu came and sat beside him he decided to avoid her so he stare at phone and scrolling his insta to distract himself from her gaze and her presence. Sivu know that he avoid her but here she admire him in the silence. He knows that a strong gaze staring at him after a while their friends are arrived at the same time bell also rang . Sam yelled at them for being late and move to their class all the time sivu anly staring at him he also know that but didn't respond to her for some reasons.

classes started ,,,,,

     In studies sivu care more herself and others too so she fully concentrate on note at class time at lunch berak they had their lunch at clg canteen . Sivu talk to all others at the gang and making fun  of them. She know that sam feel little uncomfortable by her , first she wants to feel him comfortable.

    Someday are gone like this they both started to talk a little conservation at studies  sam had some recordings he take leave on that day so sivu and ammu take notes for them also after their works they teach to them on that time they all assemble in Sam's house sam sivu suriya Praveen ammu all are there. Sivu teach to suriya and Praveen they both listen like a good boys .she finished her teaching,trun to saw sam who is in confused state coz of her little sister ammu sivu chuckled at them and move towards them ,sivu started to explain the topic sam also listen to her then she finished sam gave a bright smile on his face to represent the thankyou she also mirror same smile to him. She didn't stop to texting him she hope that one day he replied him but our hero always ignore her

    after one month , sivu very close to all except sam she try to speak with him but always failed by the surrounding , sam try to erase her thoughts but it always remember her . On that day suriya Praveen ammu Shri take leave for  their instrumental competition practice they practice in shri's house . Sam and sive only there , sivu want to clear the  uncomfortable with them, at lunch break sivu and sam on canteen she starts a conversation wthi him

At canteen,

Sivu: hii sam

Sam: hii ..........in low voice

Sivu: saptaya

Sam: .................

Sivu: unnathana kekuran saptayanu

Sam: .............,...

Sivu: seri Inga enna thaniya pandra nee practice panna polaya

Sam: illa..........with irritating expression

Sivu: beachku polama

Sam: .......................

Sivu: polamaaaaa.........

Sam: ( he see his phone only )

( Sivu lost her temper so slightly increased her voice and gave a angry birds face)

Sivu: deiu, eruma evalo nerama ketutu irukan kathu kekutha illaya 😤🤬

Sam: ( widen his eyes) she continued

Sivu: dei arivu Iruka illaya unaku ,oru msg panna reply illa pesa vandha ignore pandran unna pathano propose pannitanu athanala cheapa  nenachutaya, na onnum unna love Pannu sollave illaye yen manasula irudhatha sonna athukunu ipdi avoid pannuvaya po da po oru nal nal neeya vandhu pesuva apa pathukuran........... before sam speak she leave that place

Sam pov...,

    One month gone after joining college my friend take leave for their practice so I am only in college i thought sivu doesn't come to college so I move to canteen to my surprise she is there I sat at another table i didn't want to look at her but without my knowledge my gaze started to stare at her after sometimes she noticed me and move towards my table

In this one month little by little the things change in mine I want to ignore her but we had many conversations in this days

My heart told hold on with her
My mind told away from her ,she also break your heart like Riya

I was in dilemma whether ignore his is right or wrong she start to talk with me . I am in another world so unconsciously I reply to her after few minutes she started to shout and yelled at me

Sivu: dei arivu Iruka illaya unaku ,oru msg panna reply illa pesa vandha ignore pandran unna pathano propose pannitanu athanala cheapa  nenachutaya, na onnum unna love Pannu sollave illaye yen manasula irudhatha sonna athukunu ipdi avoid pannuvaya po da po oru nal nal neeya vandhu pesuva apa pathukuran........... before sam speak she leave that place

I gave a confused look to her and she left in that place I didn't know what I do to her why she yelled at me so I texted her y you talk like this the msg recived and it's also read by her but no response I continuesly msg to her but no reply ,she irritating me 😒

I make a call to her she didn't pick my call also I leave a text to her come to beach at 5  that also readed

If she want to talk to me she will be there at on time and it's more important means she will be there before I reach

Sivu pov,,
     My mood went bad by him for relaxation I went to meet deepika she have medicine for my all mood swings so she is the one who set my mood normal i am in hospital so my phone in silent mode i saw his msg for the first time he messaged me but i am angry on him and all these day I wait for his reply so it's a revenge one you wait for my reply then he called 3 to 4 time iam not attending the call

Then he leave a message  come to beach at 5 that's it's  am just flying  I informed deepika it's already 4 in the evening so I left

At beach

To be continued................

Sorry for my flaws and late epi


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