Chapter 1

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The Impala came to a stop in front of the nearby motel. Turning it off, Dean gets out and goes to the other side to help you. Sam hears you coming and opens the door just in time for you to hobble in.
"What happened? You alright?" He asks calmly, the door closing behind him.
Dean set you on the edge of one of the beds "Ya, she just twisted her ankle. She'll live, but might have to take a few days off."
Sam walks over and kneels next to you "May I?" He motions towards your leg.
Gently grabing your leg, he rolls up your jeans to look at the sprain. He runs his finger over it and presses down slightly, making you flinch. He frowns and sets your leg down.
"Deans right, your gonna have to take a vacation for a while."
You growl "I heard him the first time."
Sighing, you fall back onto the bed. "Ugh I'm tired, who am I stuck with this time?" You chuckle as they both glare at you.
They both turn to each other, hands ready. They begin pounding their fists in their hands, then hold out a symbol. Sam hold out his fist, and Dean a peace sign. Dean turns as Sam laughs victoriously, walking over to the bathroom. Sam takes off his jacket and sets it by the bed, sitting next to you.
He chuckles and looks over at you "Who's stuck with me? Really?"
You laugh and wink "Yea yea, help a girl out and grab my bag would ya."
Reaching under the bed, he grabs your bag and sets it next to you. Sitting up, you unzip your bag and pull out your black sweatpants and big brown t-shirt you stole from one of them at some point.
Sam notices the shirt and gives you a confused look "Is that my shirt?"
You laugh as Dean walks back out of the bathroom in his pajamas "Not anymore."
You stand and limp past Dean into the bathroom. Dean follows you with his eyes, then looks back at Sam.
"Was that yours?"
"Apparently not anymore." He chuckles.
"You know your in trouble when a girl starts claiming your things Sammy."
Sam threw his hands up in surrender as you step back out of the bathroom and limp back over to the bed, crashing down onto it with a sleepy sigh. Putting your stuff in your bag, you see Dean walk over to the freezer and pull out an ice pack.
You grunt and pull yourself under the covers, leaving your injured leg sticking out. Dean throws the pack to Sam and he gently sets it on your ankle, you growling in pain. He quietly apologizes before sitting back and taking off his shirt. He slips under the covers next to you as Dean shuts off the lights. Night Sammy, night (Y/N)." You and Sam both wish him goodnight, but are cut off when you hear a loud bang and a "SON OF A BITCH!" from Dean.
You and Sam burst into laughter as Dean yells at you to shut up and flops onto his own bed.
Writing at 11 o'clock at night sucks... blehhhhhhh. Here is your dadgum story, now enjoy and I'm going to bed! Good night!

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