Chapter 36

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Jumping slightly, you turn to see Castiel standing casually behind you. Dean and Sam glance back to see him, Dean's eyes glancing at your ass first. Castiel's eyes glaze across your body almost in an investigative manor before locking eyes with you.
"I have overheard your situation from Sam, and I believe this witch is attempting to bring about the embodiments of the seven deadly sins." He glances over your body one last time before adding "I think you are lust."
Sam gives him a confused look before turning back to the computer and typing "Well, she did say something about another person called greed. What are the other five?" You ask, turning to the computer.
"Lust, gluttony, greed, sloth, wrath, envy, and pride." Sam and Cas both answer simultaneously.
Rolling your eyes, you turn back to Castiel "Why would she want the seven deadly sins to come to life?"
"It seems those turned into the sins, like yourself, affect those around you and cause them to be afflicted by that sin."
You give him a confused look "But the only person I've seen affected so far is Sam. How can you be sure?" You question, him sighing.
"Lust and gluttony would affect people much like famine did, but at a much smaller scale. Being in your presence is causing my vessel to crave red meat, much like when we battled famine."
"And these two lug nuts?" You ask, pointing at Sam and Dean and getting a groan in return.
"Their reactions depend on them, last time their afflictions had to do with Sams recent demon blood activity and Dean, well that's a complicated tale."
You nod "Okay, but the how come now they are both staring at my ass?" You ask, the two turning and clearing their throats.
"That question should answer itself." Your face turns slighty red. "Oh." You turn to Dean accusingly "Don't get any ideas."
He growled angrily "I ain't stupid enough to mess with another guy's girl, especially my brother's."
"Well keep that in mind because we are gonna be spending a lot of time together." You sigh and look at Cas, who is now holding a bag of burgers.
You give him a confused look "When the hell?"
He shrugs "As I informed you, it is the vessel."
"Okay, if your craving burgers, why the hell do I look like this?" You gesture to yourself.
"I cannot say. Many translate the term lust in a sexual way, so that may be the cause." You grunt angrily.
"Whatever. What do you suggest we do?" Cas takes a large bite of a burger.
"You and Sam find the other six and get them together. Dean and I will try to find the witch so we can get you all returned to yourselves." You nod.
"So where do we start?" You ask, turning to Sam.
"All we can do is look for the victims and hope we find some kind of phenomena."
You nod and shoo Dean out of his spot so you can sit. Castiel takes one last big bite of his burger before dropping it back into the bag and wipes his hand on his jacket. He sets the bag on the table before pressing his fingers to Deans forhead, the two dissappearing. Reaching over the table, you attempt to grab the tablet. Unintentionaly squishing your breasts against the table, you lean against it and grab the end of the electronic. You sit back up, completely unaware of the affect your actions have on your boyfriend.
He clears his throat as he turns back to the computer "Ya know," you start, not looking up from the tablet "If you keep clearing your throat it's gonna end up sore."
He gave you an agitated look "It's not my fault. Your situation doesn't make it any easier for me."
You laugh and glace up at him "I know I shouldn't say it, but it's a fun to watch you struggle so much with this."
He gives you a slight bitchface before turning back to the computer "Damn it." He hit the computer before sitting back angrily.
"What?" You ask, sitting forward to look at the screen.
"Damn laptop's busted." He growled, running his fingers through his hair.
"Well we've still got this." You waved the tablet in the air.
He smirked "Yea."
Now you understand the situation. We all know how badly Sam struggled with the demon blood when they fought famine, so imagine that struggle exept with wanting you.

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