Chapter 23

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That night, the dark clouds collected, rain drizzling harshly against the roof of the bunker. Staring at the door, the man who is in the bed behind is you keeping you from leaving by wrapping his arm protectively around your waist. Though calming, the rain kept you awake, just enough to contemplate the decisions that you made. How they were going to affect you time, your relationship with Sam. It was obvious Cas wasn't happy, but when is he really? Warmth resonates into you when Sam moves closer, almost as to unconsciously say 'stop, don't think like that.' Rolling over, you snuggle into his chest like a moth to light.
'Maybe this wasn't as bad as I thought.' You smile, him gently pulling you in closer.
Though unable to sleep, you were comfortable between the warm body next to you and the beating of the rain. Your thoughts became more pleasant, dreaming of a future you wished to share with Sam. That apple pie life you always dreamed of as a child. The wedding with a long white gown and horse drawn carriage. Okay, so you were getting carried away, but it was just a dream right? Drifting deeper into sleep, your dream continued, unable to be controlled by your consious mind.

You stand in the kitchen of your new home that you just bought with your boyfriend. The flame of the stove burned brightly under the cookware being used to make scrambled eggs for your breakfasts. The door slammed loudly as the sound of scrambled claws upon the floor carried towards you. Smiling, you turn to see your husky-shepard mutt dash past you into the living room. Laughing, your boyfriend walked in, his jacket tied around his waist and workout outfit sweaty.
"Ew, your going to have to take a shower before you go to work." You joke.
He laughs tiredly and looks at his watch "I still have time."
Smirking, you tilt the pan over a plate, shoveling the eggs onto the dish."Just eat your damn breakfast." Giggling, you watch the dog run around happily. "And feed Bear would ya Sammy?"
Leaning down, Sam called Bear, the dog, over to him, only to be greeted with agressive licking. The dog tackles him, Sam almost losing his balance, but is able to catch himself. You turn back to your pan as you make your own eggs, when arms wrap around your shoulders. Trying to hide your smirk, you comment snarkily.
"Ugh, your gonna get me all sweaty."
"Then I guess you'll just have to take a shower with me." The smile from your face is copied onto his.
"Maybe, but it's also called changing my shirt." He lets you go and kisses your cheek.
"Smartass." he comments, reaching for his plate.
After reseaving a swat at his hand, he gives you a confused look. "Thanks to that comment, you can make your own damn breakfast." You hand him the fork you were using.
His eyes become slightly cuter as he tilts his head when it hits you, he is giving you the famous puppy dog eyes. You watch for a moment before turning away and laughing. Bear barks from behind you, causing the pair of you to turn to look at him. You crouch and scratch his ears.
"Sammy, I love you more than Dean loves the Impala, but the only puppy dog eyes I actually respond to belong to this little cub right here. And sometimes those don't even work." Bear barks happily.
"Well then, lets try something else then." He smirks, pulling you up off of the ground and kissing you passionately.
You accept the kiss, then pull away from the taller male with a chuckle "You sure are adament I make you food huh?"
He smiles "Because your a good cook."
It's a cute! Haha I love it! Just so you know the next chapter will resume with the dream.

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