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Welcome to the very first chapter Alpha and Omega I hope you enjoy this story . Please read, vote and comment it means a lot to me guys. XOXO Butterball.


"Do you think it's safe to pass through?" he asked, turning away from the cliff to look at me. I blinked at him for a moment. The sun was shining brightly, casting a harsh glare across my whole vision. I shielded my eyes and squinted. Then I looked down past the cliff we stood on toward the gigantic city. The city itself was quite the beautiful sight despite the horrible environment that surrounded it.

I frowned. "It has a bit of an...aura, Luka," I told him.

Luka cocked his head to the side and looked back down at the city. "Really Mistress?" I nodded.

"Yes, but it must be too subtle for you to sense since you're only a familiar.  Whoever has the aura is good at hiding it," I said staring at the city. Beside me I heard Luka give a small snort of displeasure.

"Don't back talk me Luka, but yes, we can pass through the city. I don't think they're on alert," I told him.

Luka stretched, raising his arms over his head. I looked at him. Currently he was in his default familiar form. Luka as a familiar had the power to shape shift on command and with different forms came different powers. To change into certain more powerful creatures he needed my permission and a bit of my energy since I created him. Luka's default form had long whitish, silvery hair. His eyes were a bright green. Similar to the traffic lights you would see all the time before the humans went crazy. His pupils were perfect slits. On his arms were multiple elegant yet rough looking runes and symbols that showed he was my familiar.

"Okay, Mistress Aria, let's head down and stay behind me, I don't want bandits trying to kidnap you again," he told me.

I froze as I remembered something. "Luka, I need my eye patch," I reminded him.

"Oh, right," he said, reaching into his pocket.

Luka pulled out a folded handkerchief and handed it to me. I unfold the handkerchief to reveal a black eye patch. It was made to cover my right eye, which was a different color and very...unique. Luka carefully took it from me and put in on me gently, his slender fingers brushed my cheek as he tied the strings of the eye patch.

He drew back to look at me. "Now Mistress, we don't know if this city is on alert for your capture or not so, as always, I urge you to be careful," he whispered.

I nodded. "I'll be careful, Luka," I promised him.

He gave me a small smile then grabbed my hand and we began our long walk down the hill to the city below. It used to be Maine ,a state in America, when it was full of life, which was over eight
years ago. But now it was the City of Nothing.

Its rapidly shifting climate drove the animals, people and plants away from its land forcing them to find homes elsewhere. People passed through and rested in the city and every once in a while a festival was held. The Goddess hunt, where they

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