Chapter 45

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Welcome back to Alpha and Omega everyone :) I'd like to dedicated this page to few awesome people:

Writer-brooke, BookLover_Deluxe12, and Meow_ItsAri so yeah they are three awes chicks :). Anyway guys I hope you enjoy this page. And please remember to READ, VOTE and COMMENT guys it means a lot to me. XOXO BUTTERBALL



Luka's Point Of View


When Eren and I walked back outside Malachy was nowhere to be found. I let out a loud sigh. "Dammit!" I hissed. Eren glanced at me frowning.

"Where do you think she went?" He asked me as I closed my eyes.

"Shush, I'm trying to concentrate." I told him.

I heard him sigh and mumble something but I ignored him and focused on the aura waves, I was searching for one that was similar to Aria's because that would be the only way to track Malachy down. The moment I got a lock on Malachy's aura I opened my eyes and began walking.

"Found her." I told Eren as followed the Malachy's aura trail.

"Where is she?" He asked me as we crossed the street into an alley.

I frowned as we reached the back entrance to a building. Did she phase through the door? I wondered as I slowly opened it. As soon as we entered the building I heard Malachy growling. I walked toward the sound to find Malachy growling at a human man dressed in a military uniform.

She had him cornered and was growling at him while he had a gun trained her. He looked up at us when we entered the room. I glared as I stared at the human.

"Get this monster away from me!" He screamed at us.

I smirked, and walked over to Malachy for a moment I stood there then I punch the soldier. He fell to the floor letting out a cry of pain. Malachy continued to growl even as I straddled the soldier.

"I'll kill you! I'll kill you! I'll k-" The man's yelling was caught off as I bent down and rip his throat open with my teeth. I started drinking the blood the quickly filled gaping wound.

"If you were hungry you could have fed from me Luka." Eren suggested.

I drew back and wiped my mouth with my hand then looked up at him. "That's not a good idea. I could spread the virus to you, I wasn't taught how to feed or anything after all, the only reason I don't hurt Aria is because of my instincts as a Familiar." I told him.

Eren glanced at the corpse as I climbed off of it. "So that's why you always kill when you eat people." He said.

"Well that and because it's not good to leave witnesses." I told him. I walked over to the military equipment and began to go through it; eventually I found a special tape labeled Project Godsend. I frowned then placed it in the tape player.

Instantly a radio transmission began to play a conversation between two people.

"It always sucks ass to get the intentional destruction or retrieval, you have no idea what those damn creatures are capable of besides what jacked up information the field techies can scrape up, and you're pretty fucking lucky if they can tell you the whole story." A man said.

"They told us to 'seek and destroy' since we could no longer bag and tag this one, but they didn't tell us jackshit about the damn thing's strength Doc." The man told the Doctor.

"Could you describe the mission please?" The Doctor asked him.

"We had a Spy, who gave us the signal when the so called goddess was there. When she was we dropped the EMP and cut the power. We had one chopper and twenty foot soldiers, luckily I was a foot soldier. I saw that woman step in front of the spotlight, she may have been a monster but I remember that she was beautiful in a really odd way." The man said.

"And what happened then Captain?" The Doctor asked the Captain.

"The squad in the helicopter opened fire and they paid for it." The Captain said grimly.

"Could you describe it in a little more detail please?" The Doctor asked.

"Yeah. She, the woman just held up this bright ball of light that ate the bullets, it fucking ate them. It was some really strange, really creepy shit the orb almost seemed like a living thing. There was also this red hair man with her, who started killing us foot soldiers off one by one. I saw him rip off one of a Corporal's arm. Not a single bullet from that gun hit that woman and if they did she didn't even flinch!" The Captain said.

"How many rounds would you say were fired into the woman?" The Doctor asked.

The Captain let out a humorless chuckle. "I doubt a single bullet hit her. As I said before that orb absorbed everything but if I had to say, at the least. A thousand. The door gunner kept that GAU-19 on her for at least twenty seconds. Twenty fucking second. Then all those bullets that damn orb absorbed came out all at once, it was like watching a bomb go off with how quick the helicopter went down." The Captain told him.

"Luka if you keep doing that you're going to crush the tape player." Eren told me. I looked down and realized that in my anger I had started squeezing the tape player. I released it and let out a sigh then pushed the eject button.

I grabbed the tape then turn to Malachy. "Malachy, be a good girl and destroy this. But don't eat it, it's so disgusting it might make your stomach hurt." I told her. Malachy barked and her center head took it and began chewing and nibbling on it while lying on the floor.

I walked over to the dead soldier and knelt down next to him then, I began to check his body and look through his pockets. "What are you doing Luka?" Eren asked me kneeling down to help me look.

"I'm looking for his military identification." I told Eren.

I eventually found it in the soldier helmet. "Military of the European Union." I whispered as I stared at the card. Eren looked at it over my shoulder frowning.

"Aria taught me that they're at war with a place called Canada." He told me.

I glared at the card then tossed it to the side. "That's right. Well then, that's where we're headed." I told him.


Aria's Point Of View


I was in darkness; I could see nothing but darkness. I looked up from where I sat on the floor, as a narrow white path formed in front of me. I climbed to my feet and took a step forward onto the white path. The moment I did another path appeared.

This path however was covered in darkness so much so that I could literally see tendrils of it rolling off the path in a mist like fashion. Just looking at it made me feel sick.

"Oh look. It's you. I have a question I've been meaning to ask you do you enjoy it, do you see it? Your poison. The stuff that you allow to seep into your oh so precious humans until they're tearing each other's throats out or hell, their own throats out...Well I enjoy it and the world sees it." I watched in shock as a second me appeared on the dark walkway.

Her hair, clothing, and eyes were different, they were all inverted colors of mine. Black hair, purple and red clothing and one brown eye and one bright, green, eye. Even her wings were black and brown whereas mine were light blue and white.

"Who are you?" I whispered as I took another step forward.

The other me let out a chuckle. "I told that dumb familiar of yours I would make you suffer. But then again it all started with you after all, you created everything. So beginning with you, vessels of malice and sin were unleashed." She told me slowly.

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