Chapter 8

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Me: WAAH so bored

Gaara:Then do something about it

Me:But I'm to lazy

Sasuke: -_-' You are just like Shikamaru

Shikamaru: Hey! I'm awesome

Kakashi: I can do something about your boredom -flashes perverted grin-

Me: Blushies O///.///O

Kakashi: Hehe -drags me to the room on the right-

Sasuke: -sigh- they better not be loud

Tsukiko: Uncle Sasu what is uncle Kaka doing with Swimmergirl

Sasuke; They are playing a game

Tsukiko: Ohh what kind of game

Sasuke: You will learn when you get older

Tsukiko: But I wanna know now -whines, stomps her foot-

Me: -moans- AH KAKASHI

Sasuke: -curses under his breath- Swimmergirl does not own Naruto


O///.///O OH GOD

Okay I'm sorry if I maybe scarred most of you but I just wanted to do that and I probably told all of you guys that I'm very perverted. 

Chapter 8 

Tsukiko POV

"HOKAGE-SAMA, HOKAGE-SAMA!" I yelled I ran into his office knocking down big scary man also known as Ibiki-chan.

'You little bra-" big scary man was cut off by ME.

"What did you say?" I gave him the famous uchiha glare that daddy taught me, he cowered in fear averting his gaze away from my face.

"Nothing" he mumbled I smirked.


"What is it child?" he muttered rubbing his ears in pain.

"I WANNA JOIN THE ANBU BLACK OPS" I shouted still high from my sugar rush.

 "Why?" big scary man asked.

"Well I got bored when I was weeding some old ladies garden she was really ugly I couldn't look at her face without grimacing. I was all hell na I will not do this and I threw the weeds on the ground and stomped......" a few hours later, "and I finally thought I should join the Anbu" I saw that Ibiki and the old man had fallen asleep when I was ranting. I smiled a sinister smile I know what to do.


Getting some things later

I had two buckets filled with ice-cold water and I was positioning them to the sleeping pair I snickered quietly as I tipped both buckets. Hehe. They both woke up with a loud yelp and screamed at the position they were in. Ibibi-chan was sitting on hokage-sama's lap leaning on his shoulder drooling a whole lot of spit and hokage-sama was cuddling into him with his face buried in big scary man's chest. Both had their faces colored in pink sparkely sharpie pen and they were both wearing dresses that really accented their non-existent curves they were both saoked to the bone and very mad. I yelped when they both lunged at me and I quickly escaped out of the open window before stealing hokage-sama's hat. 

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