Chapter 1- new recruit

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Okay first chapter time loves! I hope you enjoy this book! Please try to correct any mistakes cause I don't wanna look stupid lmao, thank you for being here!! 


He walked along the path to the buildings entrance, just coming back from grabbing something to eat as he got a message from philza, it was cryptic but it just said:

𝐏𝐇𝐈𝐋𝐙𝐀: 𝐒𝐚𝐩𝐧𝐚𝐩 𝐢 𝐧𝐞𝐞𝐝 𝐭𝐨 𝐭𝐚𝐥𝐤 𝐭𝐨 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐧𝐨𝐰. 𝐌𝐲 𝐨𝐟𝐟𝐢𝐜𝐞 𝐢𝐧 10 𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐮𝐭𝐞𝐬.

He reached the big doors, swiping his work identification and smiled as the door unlocked.  He opened it and was met with a hall like room and the smell of recently waxed, wooden floors and freshly baked cookies. He walked down the hall, subconsciously watching  the doors to others offices and various rooms for danger due to the intense anxiety of being watched. He passed the dining room and smiling a little watching Tommy and Tubbo bickering and George and karl were laughing together about some meme in the background. He stopped in the doorway to say hi, waving as Tubbo and Tommy said, "hey sapnap!" In unison before continuing to bicker. "hey guys!" Sapnap said immediately getting everyone else's attention, "hey sapnap! What you doing back so early? You said you would be another 20 minutes," Karl asked, tilting his head to the side clearly confused. "Yeah, Phil wants me in his office for some reason and on that note,  I have to go!" Sapnap announced smiling and walking away. He made his way to the elevator, clicked the setting that said 'Phil and Technos offices' then waited for the machine to reach its assigned destination. Once the doors pinged open again, he walked over to the door of Phil's office and knocked while and fiddling with his hands slightly. sapnap was nervous. Phil never texted him seriously like that and he definitely texted him seriously but not as urgent. 

"Come in!" He heard a voice say from inside the room. Hesitantly, grabbed the doorknob and turned it. The door quietly opened and he entered the room. "close the door and sit down," phil said, his hands clasped on his desk infront of him one breaking away as he gestured to the seat infront of his desk.  sapnap sat down and nervously smiled, anticipating what would be so important that Phil would take him off his lunch break. 

"So sapnap. Your getting a partner and before you say anything, there's no way out of it," Philza said knowing sapnap wouldn't like it but knowing he needed it. 

"But you know I only work alone and I hate working with people! Everybody knows I work alone," he frustratedly huffed and folded his arms in protest.

"Sapnap your doing it. He's waiting in your new joint office. I know this will be difficult for you but trust me it's in your best interests." Phil smiled in an attempt to get Sapnap to comply.

"Okay fine. I'm gonna hate this but when it doesn't work out I'll be the one telling you 'I told you so'," He laughed as he opened the door. phil chuckles echoed in his ears as he walked out closing the door behind him. He made his way back to the elevator, entering it and clicking the button for the 4th floor which had his office on it.

The elevator opened its doors and sapnap walked out and along yet another corridor. He slouched and stomped along the corridor not happy about this situation. Once reached the office and hesitated before going in and being met with a guy in a green hoodie,  black cargo trousers and a creepy smiling mask attached to his face but you could only see half of his mouth. The left  part of his jaw, it was defined and had lots of small cuts and scars, some old some newer, he looking through the extra desk in the room and sorting something on the computer. Sapnap rolled his eyes already hating this and flopping down on his chair, the other figure didn't notice him till then, he looked up giving a small smile which sapnap could only see half of, sapnap scoffed. 

"Hello! You must be sapnap?" The other person said, sapnap nodded and the stranger went on, "oh good! Im dream by the way" 'dream' walked up to sapnap and shook his hand. "this is gonna be fun.." dream said lowly, smiling wider at the other, sapnap got more annoyed and said "what the fuck do you want, go back to where you came from 'dream'" he said dreams name in air quotes, it made dream giggle slightly, he wanted his first impression to be 'him' so he said "cute.. anyways im here to do my job 'sapnap' don't like it, don't care" he smirked a little and then walked away to sit in his own chair.

They both worked away, clearing dreams files for missions and sapnap doing paperwork from missions till the evening and then sapnap asked "you wanna go get dinner? I'm hungry and there's a dinner place just downstairs-" dream smiled and said "jeez already asking me to dinner? Know me for at least day first hun" he said playfully, rolling his eyes "that's a yes by the way" he winked at sapnap and got up and walked to the door and he heard sapnap say "i- why did I have to get partnered with you.." he said disappointed, they went and got food. 

After they ate they headed to the elevator and  sapnap said "we should probably go to our rooms now its getting late" sapnap said, still with a rude tone as he didn't enjoy this whole 'partner' thing, they reached the floor where their rooms were and walked down the corridor a bit and reached the rooms with their names on it, sapnap groaned in annoyance when he saw they were right next to each other, dream went on to make a comment "aww right next to each other? You sure you didn't pick this out yourself sappy?" He says, winding the other up, sapnap went a little red and said "no oh my god, just go to your room and get settled in" he said watching dream go into his room and then sapnap went into his own, sapnap chilled and did some chores around his room and dream got settled in till they both went to bed.


okay guys thats the end of the first chapter (1073 words)


please correct me on spelling mistakes its like 3 am so im notsurprised if I do make a spelling mistake 

Love u all, until next time!

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