chapter 2 - training

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WOOO SECOND CHAPTERRRR, merry Christmas and happy new year lovelies! hope u enjoy and are u able to look out for my spelling? thanks :D


dream woke up to sapnap loudly banging on his door, he checked his watch and it was 9:15 am "SHIT" he shouted as he went to open the door. They were meant to be at the training gym 5 minutes ago, he opened the door to sapnap leaning against the side of the doorframe, annoyed at the fact dream slept in on the first day,  dream started to speak, apologising but sapnap immediately interrupted him "we were meant to be at the training gym 5 minutes ago, why are u just now getting up?... aww did dreamy need his beauty sleep?" he mocked, the annoyance in  his voice clear, "get dressed, you have 5 minutes" sapnap continued, closing the door for dream and leaving him to get dressed. Dream quickly started to throw his cargo pants on and his green smile hoodie along with any other accessories such as a chain and a black cross earring in one ear that his mother got him. he made his way to the door, making sure he had his shoes on before turning the doorknob and opening the door to sapnap waiting outside. 

"lets go" sapnap said, grabbing dreams arm to half drag him to  the training gym, getting into the elevator and pressing the '3' button for the training halls, the elevator started to move and then stopped, indicating they reached the correct floor, the doors opened to reveal a long corridor with spaced out sets of metal double doors leading to separate training rooms. they exited the elevator, making their way towards the first door to the right, sapnap swiped his card over the sensor, making the big doors open and reveal a massive training hall, with different biome pre-sets and different weather circumstances in the settings on their watches. 

"what is this place?" dream asked, mesmerised by the technology in the hall. "our training hall!!" sapnap said, smiling and grabbing dream by the arm to show him around and show him how it all works, "so, on your watch there should be something popping up there saying 'customise training room' and if you click on that you can swipe through the biomes and weather settings for the perfect training situation" he said proudly, noticing the amazement on dreams face as the other followed sapnaps instructions, smiling as he watched the biomes swipe by. "woah" dream said, his smile growing more (if that was even possible)." you like?" sapnap said, a genuine smile on his face now. "yeah" dream said fondly.

they started to walk around, making dream familiar with the training room and how each biome works and is different to  the other. eventually, they started training, each grabbing a pistol and a dagger each. they positioned themselves to be standing about 2 metres apart as they drew their guns, dream had hidden his dagger in his sock when sapnap was not looking as he felt he had something to prove to sapnap, he smirked as they started to walk in circles, neither of them moving backwards or forwards only around in a circle, parallel to each other.

sapnap was the first to move, shooting a bullet past dreams shoulder, distracting him, and then he sprinted forward, pulling his dagger out and attempting to stab dream but getting stopped by dream grabbing his wrist and twisting it, making sapnap loose his balance and fall over. they continued to fight for a while until they were both lying on the floor huffing.

"your not bad dream, good job" sapnap said, dream catching him smiling a little bit

"thanks sappy, I like to stay fit" he winked and stared laughing at sapnaps face turning to fizz "awe cmon sappy Im only jokin" he said, now wheezing

"shut up, ill see you back at our office" sapnap said, walking out and going to the elevator, pressing the 'philza and techno offices' button, the elevator started to go up and the stopped at the top floor, he walked out and towards phils office, knocking and waiting.

"come in!!" he hears, he opens the door and phil sighs, phil knew what this was about.

"take a seat, whats up?" phil asked, smiling and clasping his hands on the desk infront of him.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16, 2022 ⏰

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