Drifting away

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this is basically a school day so yeah   

Tommy got up again and got ready for school after he finished getting ready he walked out of the house recently Wilbur has been going out more and Phil is staying in his Room and Techno is always with his friends so he was right about this family 'they don't really care it was an act to gain my trust' tommy thought when he got to school he went straight to his homeroom class which is also his 1st period so that's nice when he sat down the teacher Mr. Mason aka his favorite teacher "hello Mr. Mason!" tommy said Mr. Mason was like a father to him  "Hey toms!" Mr. Mason said "what are we doing in class today" Tommy said "Well we are not really doing anything today just hanging out" Mr. Mason " Yay How are you Mr. Mason?" Tommy said "I'm doing good what about you toms you told me your adoptive family is not really talking to you" Mr. Mason said "Oh um its still the same but I don't know why they aren't talking to me any more so that's fun"  Tommy said "aww I'm sorry to hear that Toms" Mr. Mason said "Well I'm going to have to have parent teacher confesses(I think that's the right words but idk) just telling you" Mr. Mason said "okay thanks for telling me" Tommy said "No problem toms" Mr. Mason 


(Tommy's povs i guess ill tell you when were out of Tommy's pov)

The bell rang tell us students that its lunch I see Techno when he sees me he starts walking over but I head to Mr. Mason's Class I can tell he's following me so i start going a little faster "TOMMY" Techno said and grabbed his wrist and dragged me but not with out a lot of fighting and he dragged me  outside and to where Wilbur was "hey Techno i thought you left me for a second" "nope just went to get Tommy so he could sit with us" Techno said "okay then hey tommy come sit over here" Wilbur said Pointing to the spot next to him (Techno not holding his wrist now) "no thanks" I said and started running towards Mr. Mason classroom "Well shit I guess I gotta go get him" Techno said "ill Help you get him" once I realized they were chasing me I ran faster once i made it to Mr. Masons classroom i saw all my friends "HEYYYY TOMMY WHERE WERE YOU??" my friend Sam said "yeah were you toms" Deo said my bestfriend " I got taken away as i was coming here by my brother" "oh are those the boys outside the classroom" Sam said "WHAT" i said and i ran to the door and i saw Wilbur and Techno and I locked the door i guess Wilbur saw me and they both ran over to the door and tried to open it "TOMMY OPEN THE DOOR WHO IS IN THERE WITH YOU" Wilbur said "GO AWAY YOU WEIRDOS" Sam yelled (btw Mr. Mason not there but knows tommy sam and Deo are there) "WERE NOT WEIRDOS WE WANT OUR BROTHER BACK" Wilbur yelled back "WHO SAID HE WANTED TO BE WITH YOU GUYS RIGHT NOW" Deo yelled "Go away Wilbur and Techno" Tommy said Techno and Wilbur were shocked they thought they were making progress with me but they guessed wrong I was getting father away from them and they just figure it out "Tommy come here now were going home" Techno said very coldly i knew i needed to go with them so i unlocked the door and walked with them to technos car (He had gotten his car a month ago) and they got in Wilbur in the  seat next to the drivers seat and tommy got in the back the drive home was quiet no one talked the radio wasn't on once they got home all of them got out and walked in "tommy go sit down on the sofa and wait" Techno said coldy again Tommy nodded Techno and Wilbur were kinda shocked tommy  nodded and didn't say 'okay' or 'mhm' 


have a good day/evening/late evening/early evening/night/midnight 

742 words 

you are loved you are important and you are beautiful 


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